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    1. Jennifer Sebits Avatar

      Morality is a set of ideals representing right from wrong determined by each unique individual. One person's idea of morality isn't necessarily right for the next. It's what helps each person lay down their own personal parameters in regards to what feels right or wrong for them in life. This isn't the same for any one person nor should it be. Life would be a lot more simple if people would just accept that their version of morales isn't set in stone or necessarily true for the rest of the world.

    2. Aissatou Sunjata Avatar
      Aissatou Sunjata

      Jennifer, I believe though there are areas which are clearly non-negotiable. We don't steal from each other, we don't murder each other, we don't do certain things to each other and only those who are the most severe in not being humane or possessing a conscious can dare cross the line. People like to throw religion up as the gauge, but I believe there are certain morals which are innate and part of being human. The rest we learn from our environment, guidance.

    3. Ashley M. Hill Avatar
    4. Aissatou Sunjata Avatar
      Aissatou Sunjata

      Ashley, yes, I agree. Other than being a sociopath, innately we have a sense of those codes of ethics whether we refuse to adhere to them or acknowledge and follow them, they do exist.

    5. Jennifer Sebits Avatar

      Aissatou Sunjata
      I agree with you and I was actually pondering that part of it when I wrote that post. I chose not to address the collective human ideal of life's most basic moralities for a very good reason. Of coarse, all of those basic morals involve not hurting your fellow neighbor or creature in any form or manner. Most decent human beings consider this to be apart of their basic set of morals but not all people. There's plenty of people that have little or no compunction when it comes to hurting or even killing another for their own personal gain, obviously. War is one excellent example of this. That's the only reason I didn't include what I consider to be the basics of human morality.

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