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  1. Rachel Reese Avatar

    I was told, once someone puts you in their "friend zone" you can never get out…. how do you avoid the friend zone at all? I am always the buddy, pal, friend…

    1. Terry D. Pickron Avatar

      …is this a ''trick'' question…do not be friendly…peace…

    2. Urvashi Goja Avatar

      I answered you. Check it out ๐Ÿ™‚

    3. Kimi Dogan Avatar

      Best to start with friendship and it could lead to a relationship.

    4. Charmi Gogri Avatar

      Agree with Kimi. Real one's will turn back no matter which planet or world you live in, Fake one's just goes away no matter how hard you try. Everyone get's what they deserve, so need not worry. Just keep giving your best shots and tries so that when you look back, there are no regrets that you did not try to remove the friend zone tag !

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