It Has Been One Of The Greatest And Most Difficult Years Of My Life

It Has Been One Of The Greatest And Most Difficult Years Of My Life

โ€œit has been one of the greatest and most difficult years of my life. I learned everything is temporary. moments. feelings. people. flowers. I learned love is about giving- everything- and letting it hurt. I learned vulnerability is always the right choice because it is easy to be cold in a world that makes it so very difficult to remain soft. I learned all things come in twos: life and death, pain and joy, sugar and salt, me and you. it is the balance of the universe. it has been the year of hurting so bad but living so good, making friends out of strangers, making strangers out of friends, learning [sweet tea] will fix just about everything and for the pains it canโ€™t, there will always be my motherโ€™s arms. We must learn to focus on warm energy, always. soak our limbs in it and become better lovers to the world, for if we canโ€™t learn to be kinder to each other how will we ever learn to be kinder to the most desperate parts of ourselves.โ€

โ€” Rupi Kaur

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    I absolutely love this page…. โ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธ

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