I’m a Bit Quiet And I Don’t Share A Lot Of What’s Going on In My Mind

I'm a Bit Quiet And I Don't Share A Lot Of What's Going on In My Mind

โ€œYes. Iโ€™m a bit quiet and I donโ€™t share a lot of whatโ€™s going on in my mind. But itโ€™s not that Iโ€™m afraid to. Itโ€™s just that I donโ€™t often feel the need to. I donโ€™t share everything that crosses my mind because I know better than to believe everything that crosses my mind. I need to take my time. I need time to observe, to assess, to understand, and yes even to correct my thoughts before I let them flow out into the world. I need time because I understand and respect the power of words. So no, I donโ€™t speak often and I donโ€™t speak loudly. But at least you know that when I do speak, itโ€™s going to be something I feel I really understand, something that excites me, that I believe matters, and that sounds true to my soul โ€“ because to me, thatโ€™s what speaking is actually for.โ€

Cristen Rodgers

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Everyone Is Breaking Up And I Fully Support It

Everyone Is Breaking Up And I Fully Support It

Everyone is breaking up and I fully support it. Life is too short, too fragile and too important to be with someone who’s not loving you the way you need to be loved.

– Oliviaa Patrice

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