I have just learned to use my Heart Less


More of heart, less of mind
Less of heart, more of Mind?

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  1. Terry D. Pickron Avatar

    …''bottom line'', what is good for ''self '',if one must choose…seek ''balance''…

    1. The Minds Journal Avatar
      The Minds Journal

      Balance usually doesn't lead us nowhere. We have to stand, be as we are

    2. Terry D. Pickron Avatar

      The Minds Journal ,problems are caused by the lack of balance…

    3. Terry D. Pickron Avatar

      …by seeking balance…we move…hopefully improve…

    4. Terry D. Pickron Avatar

      …I've hunted Fox with dogs I've never known of a dog ever catching a Fox…it isn't the ''catching'' but the ''hunting'' that is important…

    5. Terry D. Pickron Avatar

      …stand as we are…this is a ''given'',what else could one be,if all is satisfied what would inspire …change…

    6. Classic Sam Avatar

      If one's life is balanced, why would he change anything?

    7. Terry D. Pickron Avatar

      Classic Sam ,that is my point Sam…the ''hunt'' for balance or peace of mind is what compells us…this is the constant struggle I refered to before…the ''journey''…

    8. Terry D. Pickron Avatar

      …a person or thing can be more or less balanced…the more out of balance the greater the fear…

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