I Always Had My Head Wrapped Around The Idea


I always had my head wrapped around the idea of getting into a wonderful university and getting a good job and getting married and having a family and being able to support them but for some reason now all i want to do is travel and eat new foods and meet new people and get a tan and buy a one way ticket and not come home.

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  1. Tish Kelly Park Avatar
    Tish Kelly Park

    The first idea, mine too, fed by society, was the weird one.

    1. The Minds Journal Avatar
      The Minds Journal

      We all first run to achieve the usual.. And then when we have it, we run from it to be different again

    2. Cissy Lutalo Avatar

      Thx The Minds Journal. There isno better way to express this.

    3. The Minds Journal Avatar
      The Minds Journal

      <3 Cissy Lutalo

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