How The Zodiac Signs Scare Their Crush Away

How The Zodiac Signs Scare Their Crush Away

How The Zodiac Signs Scare Their Crush Away

ARIES: Quadruple texting

TAURUS: Listing all 28139 of your standards and expectations

GEMINI: Sending a screenshot of your text conversation to them instead of your best friend

CANCER: Going out of your way to run into them all the time

LEO: Calling them by an overfamiliar nickname

VIRGO: Lurking their Instagram and accidentally liking a post from five years ago

LIBRA: Introducing them to yr intimidatingly tight-knit friend group

SCORPIO: Mentioning a fact about them that they never told you

SAGITTARIUS: Laughing too hard at everything they say

CAPRICORN: Being so awkwardly cold that they think you hate them

AQUARIUS: Daydreaming without realizing you’re staring at them

PISCES: Getting way too drunk and confessing your love

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