How The Zodiac Signs Respond To I Miss You

How The Zodiac Signs Respond To I Miss You

How The Zodiac Signs Respond To I Miss You

Aries: Fuck off.

Taurus: That makes sense.

Gemini: I’m blocking you.

Cancer: Want to hang out?

Leo: I’d miss me too.

Virgo: Too bad.

Libra: I’m sorry for everything that happened, and it was all my fault, and I just want to see you and smell you and be in your arms. I didn’t realize what I had when I had it, and oh my God, I miss you too. I love you.

Scorpio: Duh

Sagittarius: You had me and lost me.

Capricorn: Doesn’t give in to your bullshit.

Aquarius: Welp. Don’t know what to tell you.

Pisces: I miss you too.

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