How Are The Zodiac Signs In Real Life?

How Are The Zodiac Signs In Real Life

How Are The Zodiac Signs In Real Life?

Signs As They Are

Aries: Honest and direct, speaks their mind, extremely devoted, has a lot of energy and can’t stay still, their friends are very important to them, very loving if you’re on their good side, hates waiting for things, big personality

Taurus: Extremely chill, doesn’t like people taking their stuff but also very giving at the same time, don’t necessarily like food but loves to enjoy things, hates drama, good sense of humor, super focused when they want something

Gemini: Highly intelligent although they don’t acknowledge it, usually interested in languages, speaking or writing (anything that has to do with words), their interests are very important to them, tells it like it is, the biggest procrastinators

Cancer: Can read you like an open book, surprisingly grounded, a bit nerdy, their loved ones are extremely important to them, not someone you’d want as an enemy, very helpful, remembers small details about you

Leo: Very selfless, confident yet insecure at the same time, absorbs other people’s moods, intuitive, extremely stubborn, stands up for themselves and others, best at giving gifts and showing affection

Virgo: Chaotic energy, messy themselves but don’t like others being messy, great sense of humor, needs time to open up, perfectionists, great at spotting details and notices everything, too hard on themselves

Libra: Enjoys peace and harmony but won’t back down from a fight if you mess with them, witty and intelligent, easily makes things aesthetic, they have this comforting side to them, always thinking about a hundred things at once

Scorpio: Extremely loyal, not necessarily “mysterious” but does need time to open up, highly caring if you’re on their good side, prideful, super funny, wants to know everything about you but doesn’t like being questioned themselves

Sagittarius: Loves to joke around but is pretty serious when they know they want something, has a temper, dislikes people who aren’t honest or can’t take a joke, loves their alone time, very independent, quick-thinkers

Capricorn: Super goofy and sweet once you get to know them, likes to be in charge and hates being told what to do, usually enjoys some form of art, realistic, always looking for a way to improve or expand their knowledge

Aquarius: Not as weird as everyone makes them out to be but definitely stands out, good with people but not very social, speaks their mind and tends to see both sides of the argument, not super emotional themselves but understanding

Pisces: Strong, down-to-earth and practical but usually has a soft, artistic side to them too, music or some form of self-expression is very important to them, very intuitive, refuses to settle for less than they want, charismatic

Zodiac Signs Quotes, Zodiac Personality Quotes, Zodiac Memes Quotes, Zodiac Traits Quotes, Aries Traits Quotes, Taurus Traits Quotes, Gemini Traits Quotes, Cancer Traits Quotes, Leo Traits Quotes, Virgo Traits Quotes, Libra Traits Quotes, Scorpio Traits Quotes, Sagittarius Traits Quotes, Capricorn Traits Quotes, Aquarius Traits Quotes, Pisces Traits Quotes.

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How Zodiacs Are Recharging Themselves


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TAURUS: lathers on SPF 100 and basks in the sun until they doze off

GEMINI: fills an entire journal in one sitting and publishes it as a bestselling memoir

CANCER: goes skinny dipping under the moonlight and pretends they’re in a Lana Del Rey music video

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LIBRA: rearranges their entire roo

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TAURUS: sleeping beneath a weighted blanket

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LEO: having a lap dog

VIRGO: walking a tightrope

LIBRA: looking in a mirror

SCORPIO: playing chess against a bot

SAGITTARIUS: watching the same standup comedy routine o

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As green things…

ARIES: sour apple 4Loko

TAURUS: fresh local microgreens

GEMINI: a tequila-soaked lime

CANCER: Ivy crawling up a brick wall

LEO: cash

VIRGO: green tea

LIBRA: sea glass

SCORPIO: the Northern Lights


CAPRICORN: the Grinch

AQUARIUS: texts from an Android

PISCES: swamp algae

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TAURUS: goes into your room and borrows your clothes without asking

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LIBRA: doesn’t actually break up with you, you just hear through the

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Personal motto…

ARIES: it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission, but it’s best to ask for neither

TAURUS: if it ain’t broke, use it over and over again till it is

GEMINI: even if they’re hating, at least they’re talking

CANCER: if I can’t go in sweatpants, then I’m not going

LEO: if at first, you don’t succeed, give up

VIRGO: nobody’s perfect-believe me, I’ve noticed

LIBRA: peace, Love, Unity, Respect, Charming your way out of having to take responsibility


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How Terrifying Are The Signs?

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How Terrifying Are The Signs?

How TERRIFYING are the signs?…

Aries: I mean they’ll love you and all but don’t do shit like force them to love you. They will slap you right the fuck everywhere.

Taurus: Not very scary but will do shit when needed. Pat their heads and play games with them.

Gemini: Bro you don’t fuck with Geminis they seem p chill at first but damn they can shoot OPTIC LAZERS FROM THEIR FUCKING EYES.

Cancer: Cancers are CHILDREN they are CRABBY LIL FUCKS but they are only scary a little bit. Probably their vocab is the most terrifying.


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Different Zodiac Signs Areย Crushing On Different People

Different Zodiac Signs Areย Crushing On Different People

Different Zodiac Signs Areย Crushing On Different People

Crushing on…

ARIES: anyone they can’t have

TAURUS: their long-term partner

GEMINI: anyone who can successfully outwit them

CANCER: yet another emotionally unavailable air sign

LEO: anyone who talks to them for more than 20 minutes

VIRGO: anyone who makes them feel needed

LIBRA: literally everyone

SCORPIO: their boss

SAGITTARIUS: themselves

CAPRICORN: their best friend