6 Different Types Of Parenting Styles

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Different Types Of Parenting Styles 1

6 Different Types Of Parenting Styles

1. Authoritarian
Disciplines their children, make them fear their parents, imposes several strict rules, extremely demanding, and witholds love and affection.

2. Pressure
Attempts to live vicariously through their children who have to be perfect and high-achievers. Physical and public appearance is everything for them.

3. Dissociative
Never present, ignores their childโ€™s needs and are very lenient. They struggle to connect with their children and canโ€™t deal with their emotions.

4. Overprotective
Behaves as if their child is perfect, and smothers them with excessive love and affection without feeling truly connected.

5. Abusive
Physically and emotionally abuses their children, negatively affects them and breaks their confidence entirely.

6. Secure
Responsive and shares a genuinely loving connection with their children. Guides their child and shows love and affection towards them, but also has strong boundaries.

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