Creative, Imaginative People Are More Likely To Have Vivid Dreams

creative imaginative people are more likely to have vivid dreams

Creative, imaginative people are more likely to have vivid dreams during sleep and remember them when they wake up.

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  1. Juice Avatar

    I believe this. I’m a very creative person. I love music, dancing, love to write stories, songs, I always got ideas flowing. I love nature and observe and admire things others tend not to. One thing I’ve always had was crazy dreams. Whether they were vivid or just wild. Every time I go to sleep it’s like a different movie or scenario playing in my head every night. I honestly love it. I’ll tell friends/family about my dreams and they always love them. It’s either action packed, dramatic, or science fiction based, even if I had a nightmare, it wasn’t all bad and always super vivid. Sometimes I’ve lucid dreamed but never knew how to do it on command. It would randomly happen and I’d love it. I’ve always wondered why I had these kind of dreams when people around me tend not too-they tend to not remember theirs. Rarely do I not remember a dream and if I don’t, I remember the feeling/vibe it gave me. Whether it was bad or good

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