15 Protection Tips For Keeping Out Negative Energy


Protection Tips For Keeping Out Negative Energy

Blocking out negative energy from your life does not always have to be a very extensive and challenging thing. A few simple but effective protection tips are enough to keep out negative energy from your life.

Learning how to protect yourself from negative influences is extremely important for those sensitive to their environments, those who work with psychic energy, and those exposed to negative environments regularly.

Over the years, I have used these 15 protection tips, and I know from my personal experience that they work!

We are influenced by the world around us, the positive as well as the negative influences. We also know that the positive influences feel good and we thrive being around people who are happy and who are at peace, but what happens when we are around unhappy people and toxic situations?

Related: 15 Signs and Symptoms Of Negative Energy In Your Body

Symptoms of Being Subjected To a Negative Environment

  • The immune system is compromised.
  • You have no energy; you are drained.
  • Feeling other peopleโ€™s unhealthy emotions such as; depression, fear, and or anxiety.
  • Psychic headaches.
  • Clumsiness.
  • Doom and gloom outlook.
  • It is possible to take on negative attachments.
  • You fall short of your goals.
  • Begin attracting more and more negative and needy people.
  • Insomnia.

We can protect ourselves while interacting with others in a much healthier way, which benefits us and those we interact with.

15 Protection Tips That Work

1. Burn, Baby, Burn That Sage, Palo Santo, and or Incense.

Burning sage, incense, or palo santo clears yourself and your space. (For those who are sensitive to smoke, you may use a sage or palo santo in the mist form) I recommended burning or misting as is needed.

2. Sea Salt Water Cleanse.

Place a bowl with a pinch of sea salt and a little bit of lemon essential oil in the center of your home and or in the toxic environment. The sea salt and water will absorb unwanted energy. I recommend changing the water as is needed and pouring the water outside instead of down the drain.

3. Ball of Colored Light.

Putting yourself in a protective ball of white, pink, or blue light will keep out the bad energy.

4. Cord Cuttings.

Frequent cord cuttings will help you keep those unhealthy emotional cords at bay. You can always schedule a session with a trusted practitioner or visualize the cords being cut and sealed with love.

5. Truck Tire Deflection.

Put yourself in the middle of a truck tire. Visualize the tire moving upwards behind your back, over your head and completing a circle under your feet, and continuing around you, pushing away toxic energy. This one I learned from my teacher โ€“ Sandy Anastasi.

6. Prayers and Mantras.

The use of prayers or mantras helps create a healthy energy field.

7. Drawing the 2nd Reiki Symbol.

Draw the 2nd Reiki Symbol in the corners of your home or space.

8. Protection with Vibration.

Drumming, rattling, or ringing bells will clear a person, place, or thing instantly.

9. Crown Cleanse.

Circle the crown 3xs with Nag Champa or Dragonโ€™s Blood incense. This cleanses the crown, the third eye, and the throat beautifully.

10. Eliminate Drama!

Say NO to drama and energy vampires. There are some people that drain the life force out of us. Keeping healthy boundaries is and can be a lifesaver.

Protection tips from negative energy
Protection tips from negative energy

11. Aura Cleanse.

Schedule a session with someone proficient in doing aura clearings.

12. Wear Crystal Jewelry.

Wear protective/deflective crystal jewelry such as black tourmaline, jet, hematite, tigerโ€™s eye, and black obsidian.

Related: 6 Signs To Tell If Thereโ€™s A Negative Energy In Your Space And 6 Ways To Clear It

13. Positive, Happy People Are Priceless.

Surround yourself with happy, positive, and joyful people.

14. Avoid Crowds If Possible.

If you feel you are in a vulnerable state, stay away from crowds.

15. Knowledge is Power.

Become more aware as to why you may repeatedly place yourself in toxic environments.

If you havenโ€™t tried any of these methods and are interested in giving a few a try, observe how your mind, body, and spirit respond after trying these techniques. Some methods may work better for you than others.

By being aware of what works, you will avoid experiencing unhealthy symptoms due to being exposed to a negative environment.

Blessings and Light,
Laurie Barraco

Check out Laurie Barracoโ€™s Facebook, and Instagram page for more such interesting and eye-opening content.

Written By Laurie Barraco 
Originally Appeared In Laurie Barraco
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