10 Powerful Crystals That Can Greatly Change Your Life


Powerful Crystals

Do you know that there are a few powerful crystals on this Earth that have the ability to make you happier and healthier in your life?

For thousands of years, ancient civilizations have always taken the power of crystals very seriously and have used them to help with their spiritual, physical and mental blockages. Crystals originate from Earth itself, and that is why when they come in contact with your body, they help you in connecting to Earth’s healing energy and also makes you feel balanced and relaxed. Every crystal is unique in its own way and works towards healing various aspects of your life.

10 Powerful Crystals That Can Make You Feel Happier And Healthier

1. Turquoise 

It helps in healing.

Turquoise crystals are considered to the energetic bridge between earth and heaven, and that is why it is also known as the master healer. Many people believe that this crystal protects you from harm and also bestows good luck on the wearer. Itโ€™s believed that when Turquoise is given as a gift, its healing properties are magnified by one hundred!

Powerful Crystals - Turquoise

Interested in knowing which crystal is perfect for you?

Read The Most Powerful Crystals For Your Zodiac Sign

2. Bloodstone

It provides energy.

In ancient civilizations, Bloodstone was often worn as an amulet as it was believed that it helped in purifying the wearer’s blood. As long as your energy and blood are flowing through your body properly, your life force will remain healthy, normal and strong.

Bloodstone crystals help in beating lethargy, self-doubt, negative thoughts and provides you with ample energy. This crystal also works towards boosting enthusiasm, maintaining your mental and emotional well-being, and enhanced drive.

Powerful Crystals - Bloodstone

3. Smoky Quartz

It lets go of negative energy.

Smoky quartz transmutes negative energy and acts as a protective shield against unwanted energy. It helps you to let go of old patterns and belief systems that are holding you back.

It releases all stagnant, old and blocked energy from your body. Once all the old energy is gone, new energy fills up the open space with a lot of hope and light.

Powerful Crystals - Smoky Quartz

4. Rose Quartz

It helps in cultivating unconditional love.

Rose Quartz crystals are famous for their ability to open the heart and heal it’s energy. It helps in forgiving other’s misdeeds and also helps in forgiving oneself. This is because, in order to find true love, you need to love yourself first, isn’t it? This crystal discharges vibrations of beauty, love, and compassion.

Powerful Crystals - Rose Quartz

Do you believe in being compassionate?

Read 12 Tips To Self-Love And Compassion

5. Carnelian

It helps in enhancing creativity.

Carnelian crystals were believed to attract good fortune, and fulfill your deepest desires. It helps in removing all those negative energies that block your creativity and leaves you feeling uninspired. It encourages you to go after your goals and fulfill all your dreams.

Carnelian also helps in bringing back joy, happiness, self-confidence, and motivation.

Powerful Crystals - Carnelian

6. Quartz 

It helps in clearing your mind.

Quartz crystal is made of the most abundant element found on Earth, which is silica. Silica is an extremely important element that also makes up the human body, on a cellular level. When quartz comes in contact with your skin, a merging of energy occurs, which boosts optimal healing and health.

Ancient civilizations used to utilize quartz to bring about mental and physical balance. It helps in getting rid of negative energies. Additionally, it encourages energy to elevate your spiritual vibrations and helps you in aligning with clarity and light. 

Powerful Crystals - Quartz Crystal

7. Celestite

It helps in relieving stress.

Celestiteโ€™s name is derived from the Latin word caelestis, meaning celestial. If you just look at this crystal, it’s heavenly blue color will make you feel deeply at peace and happy.

Due to its ability to make people feel happy and peaceful, it is the perfect crystal to put in your bedroom. It will emit harmonious and tranquil energy, making sure that you have a good night’s sleep.

Powerful Crystals

8. Citrine

It helps in living in the moment.

Citrine is considered as one of the most potent and powerful crystals to exist in this world. It is also regarded as a symbol of happiness and light. It doesnโ€™t hold any negative energy and emits large amounts of positive energy.

It reminds you to live your life in the present because you have the potential to create miracles. Citrine is a manifestation stone that encourages you to dream big, maintain a positive state of mind and attract everything you want in your life.

Powerful Crystals

Looking for a boost of positivity in your life?

Read Buddha Quotes To Rejuvenate You With Positivity

9. Aventurine

It helps in luring in new opportunities.

Aventurine crystals are very powerful when it comes to dissipating feelings of self-doubt. It opens up the heart and all it’s energies and helps in attracting new opportunities. This beautiful crystal also helps in increasing positivity, optimism, self-worth, and self-confidence. 

Powerful Crystals

10. Shungite

It protects against Electrical Magnetic Energy (EMF)

The Shungite crystal is Believed to be millions of years old and is found predominantly in Russia. It is known to be a formidable shield against electrical magnetic energy (EMF). Shungite helps in absorbing pollutants and negative energy. You can use get the Shungite crystal made into a ring or necklace and wear it all times, or put a piece of it in your room.

Crystals have always had a reputation for powerful things, but not many people actually understand their significance. If you know which crystal to use, you can enrich your life and work towards being healthier and happier.

If you want to know more about powerful crystals and how they can make your life better, then check out this video below:

Source – MindBodyGreen 

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  1. Anahi Marylyn Huitron Avatar
    Anahi Marylyn Huitron

    I have a green aventurine crystal necklace that I wear everyday!

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