12 Personality Traits Of Cancer, The Cardinal Water Sign


12 Personality Traits Of Cancer, The Cardinal Water Sign

When people think of Cancer, emotional is probably the first thing that comes to mind. But there is more to them than just being emotional. Not a lot of people acknowledge this, but there are many other personality traits of Cancer, that truly make them a unique zodiac sign.

Cancers are truly remarkable individuals, who are amazing in their own ways. If you have a Cancerian in your life, you will know exactly what I am talking about. Being emotional is not the only thing they are good at.

Here Are 12 Defining Personality Traits Of Cancer

1. Their intuition is always spot-on.

When it comes to the power of intuition, Cancers always take the cake. They are exceptionally intuitive when it comes to reading people and situations. Most of the time, they will notice all those tiny things that others will not even register.

When it comes to reading people, they rely on the kind of vibes they get from them. More often than not, they are able to decide whether a person should be trusted or not on the first meeting itself.

2. They tend to be shy when flirting.

When it comes to flirting, Cancers can be really shy and cautious. The reason being that they are petrified about the possibility that they might end up getting rejected. No matter how much they like the other person, they will always be a bit reserved talking about their feelings.

Flirting for them is not just a fun thing; they flirt only when they genuinely like the other person. That is why, like many other things, they take flirting very seriously too.

Cancer Personality Traits
Cancer Personality Traits

3. Generosity is their middle name.

You will seldom find a zodiac sign that is as generous as a Cancer. Cancers are one of the most caring and giving people you will ever come across, as they believe in pampering the hell out of the people they love.

It’s not that they do this out of obligation or a sense of duty; they sincerely want to make people happy and put smiles on their faces. They absolutely love showing their love!

4. Pushing them too far is a strict no-no. 

One of the most defining personality traits of Cancer is that they are pretty chill people unless you push them too far. They are reasonably relaxed personalities, but that does not mean they will let people walk over them.

If someone provokes a Cancer too much, they won’t hesitate to bring their claws out and teach the others a lesson. They perfectly know how to take a stand for themselves, and are not one to back down from injustice.

5. Cancers live for affection. 

When it comes to affection, Cancer can never have too much of it. They love getting affection, especially when it is coming from the right person. Since they are extremely affectionate themselves, it is only natural that they would also want to experience the same.

Cancers love feeling pampered, wanted and needed. They tend to have a soft, sensitive and sensual side to themselves that craves affection from the people they love.

Are you a sensitive and affectionate Cancer? Read CANCER: THE SIGN OF THE SENSITIVE SOUL

6. They can do anything for their friends.

Friendship is something that matters a lot to Cancers, and they give a lot of importance to their friends. They can literally do anything for their friends and can go to any lengths to be there for them.

Because they are really good listeners, they always lend a helping ear to anyone who is going through a tough time. Cancers will always be there for their friends, no matter what.

7. Obnoxious people are not their cup of tea.

Cancers are by nature very nice and amiable people, and that is why they cannot stand obnoxious and arrogant folks. They generally get along with everyone, but if someone is being too pushy, Cancers tend to stay away from them.

Selfish and self-centered people are not their cup of tea and that is why they prefer to maintain their distance from them. They would rather mingle with people who are more down-to-earth and simple.

8. Personal attacks tick them off.

When it comes to Cancers, they are quite reasonable people even if you are having an argument with them. If they have a problem with you or something you do, they will convey that to you in a very calm and constructive manner.

That is why if someone personally attacks them, it puts them off. They hate personal attacks and have a hard time dealing with it. Since they are emotional beings, it tends to affect them more than other people.

Cancer Personality Traits
Cancer Personality Traits

9. Cancers are very open-minded by nature.

If you want to talk your heart out to someone who will not judge you, then your best bet is a Cancer. One of the most prominent personality traits of Cancers is their open-mindedness and non-judgemental nature.

They are amazing soundboards for when someone wants to just talk or rant about their feelings. Cancers make sure that their presence is a safe space, and will never make anyone feel bad about themselves.

How much do you think you know a Cancer? Read 4 Myths And Facts About The Cancer Zodiac Sign (as written by one)

10. They are extremely protective.

Cancers are very protective when it comes to the people they love, and will go to any lengths to make sure that they are okay. They always put their family and close friends first. Their natural instinct is to care for and nurture people they love.

Their closed ones matter to them the most, and that is why they will always keep a watchful eye on them. In case of any trouble, Cancers are always the first ones to come and help their loved ones.

11. Empathy is in their DNA.

If you know a Cancer, you will know that they are one of the most empathetic people ever. Empathy and compassion drive them, and they never hesitate to help anyone in trouble or distress. Their extremely caring and thoughtful nature makes them some of the most pure-hearted individuals you will ever come across.

In order to understand the other person’s pain and sorrow, Cancers always puts themselves in their shoes and attempt to help them out the best they can. Cancers are precious human beings, aren’t they?

12. Cancers always look for meaningful relationships.

When it comes to love and relationships, flings and one-night stands are just not it for Cancers. If they choose to get involved with someone, they will always prefer to be in a proper and committed relationship with them.

Cancers know how to love, and they give their all in their relationships. Love is extremely important to them and that is why they always give it the respect it deserves. They would rather wait for the right person than impulsively jump into a relationship just for the sake of being in a relationship.

Have you ever in a relationship with a Cancerian? Read 7 Reasons Why Cancers are the Best Lovers In the Zodiac

Cancers are truly one of the most interesting, nice and pure-hearted people you will come across. Consider yourself lucky if you have one in your life, as they can only make your life better!

If you want to know more about the personality traits of Cancer, then you might like this video:


12 Personality Traits Of Cancer, The Cardinal Water Sign
12 Personality Traits Of Cancer, The Cardinal Water Sign&Nbsp;

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  1. ZANDILE Avatar

    In deed that’s the truth. Well said. You have simplified to everyone what type of a person cancers are. Thanks

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