Ox 2018 Chinese Horoscope And Feng Shui Predictions


Ox 2018 Chinese Horoscope & Feng Shui Predictions

Chinese Horoscope 2018 of the Zodiac sign Ox during the Year of the Earth Dog 2018 by The Chinese Zodiac.org

The Ox is the 2nd of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac. Your “Chinese zodiac animal is Ox” if you are born in of these years: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021. The following are the twelve zodiac signs: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.

The Ox Chinese horoscope 2018 predicts that in order to amplify the good celestial influences of the year and lessen the negative impacts, it will be in your best interests to take stock of your life and to hatch out new projects. Every time you have confidence in yourself and show yourself to be enterprising and innovative, luck will smile upon you.

Ox 2018 Chinese Horoscope & Feng Shui Predictions

But on the contrary, if you don’t try to change what goes awry in your life and if you make do with an unsatisfactory routine, then luck will turn its back on you.


Feng Shui Forecast 2018 for OX

The Earth Dog year promises to be a beneficial one for the Ox natives, much better than year 2017. Increase your chances of career advancement with the help of Feng Shui statues for prosperity. The pair-statues, for example, Chi Lin or Fu Dogs, will ensure your success in love and you can maintain your health with the help of Wu Lou. Pi Yao, which can be found as an ornament, is the one that will protect you throughout 2018.


Ox 2018 Chinese Love horoscope

This period will certainly be a memorable one. You’ll be relaxed and feel good about yourself, and this beautiful balance will have happy repercussions on your love life.

You’ll have the desire to strengthen the ties that bind you to your mate and to build a more solid union as time goes on, and the circumstances will give you the opportunity to do it.

Ox 2018 Chinese Horoscope & Feng Shui Predictions

As for you single folks, the period might very well mark the beginning of a great passion, a passion that will transform itself into a durable love that could incite you to sacrifice your dear freedom. In other words, there’ll be marriage in the air!


You’ll be spared sentimental storms, and you can savor delicious moments of recreation and well-being next to the person you love. This romantic harmony will also provide you with a profound sense of balance and peace. Single natives, you’ll live a madly romantic period.

You should also have a decisive encounter that will agreeably transform your life.


Pleasure and well-being reign! You’ll feel good about yourself, and your relationship with your mate will be more harmonious because of it. You’ll communicate your optimism to him or her, and you’ll subtly encourage this person to look at the positive side of every situation.

Also, the amorous understanding between you two will be excellent. In short, it will be good to live by your side. If you’re free, you’ll feel fed up with single life.

Don’t worry, for you should experience great love this time.


You may be slightly demanding in love; try not to ask too much of the person who safeguards your heart. You aren’t always so easy to live with, either!

During this time, you can expect faithfulness and long-term commitment to triumph. Those of you who wish to live in a stable and authentic relationship will, therefore, be fully satisfied.


Ox 2018 Money & Finance Horoscope

Might cause some concern for those having a substantial investment in the share market. The uncertainty in the market performance is going to continue for a while before it dies down later in the year. Hence be wise! For those in a career, one should be careful with one’s new environment at work, for others are also not certain of their own.

It is advisable to be moderate with one’s spending.


Ox 2018 Health Horoscope

Recent improvement or recovery from illness is a good sign and one should continue to look forward to more positive things ahead. Having good health makes one appreciate the importance in life when considering those living in poverty in third world countries.

Continue to improve one’s health and strive for the future, for the road ahead is still a long challenging journey full of excitement and adventure. There is a saying “Rest if one must but DO NOT give up easily”.


Ox 2018 Luck Horoscope

Some of you might accidentally encounter some supernatural events that are beyond one’s imagination. Whether such meeting is a good omen or not is to be established in the near future. But certainly, it brings a new chapter into one’s life.

As long as one has an open mind and does not keep thinking of negative consequences, then the situation should be under control. If still in doubt, then one can choose to totally ignore it.


Ox horoscope 2018 horoscope by date of birth

Year of the Wood Ox: 1925 (Jan. 24, 1925 – Feb. 12, 1926) or 1985 (Feb. 20, 1985 – Feb. 08, 1986)

Build up good relationships with others especially in the office. In the upper half of the year, luck is normal but in the middle of the year, there will be changes. Be more attentive when signing contracts. Never be a guarantor to prevent court cases.


Year of the Water Ox: 1973 (Feb. 03, 1973 – Jan. 22, 1974)

Never greed for peach blossom especially if you are married as it is the first killer for marriages. Wealth luck is normal. You will receive help from guardians or nobility. As wealth luck is not so good, do everything attentively.


Year of the Metal Ox: 1961 (Feb. 15, 1961 – Feb. 04, 1962)

There will be lots of gossip. Don’t be a busybody. “Silence,” they say “is golden.” Be more attentive when signing contracts to prevent any mistakes within those details, this can prevent court cases or bankruptcy happening on you. Try to prevent quarrels between your loved ones. Do more good deeds.


Year of the Earth Ox: 1949 (Jan. 29, 1949 – Feb. 16, 1950)

Wealth luck is good and there may also be some surprise wealth too. You must be aware of thefts. Never show off your money to others. Be more attentive when going out. Between you and your family members, try to give in more. Never compete with the younger generations. Never climb up and down to prevent failing. Try not to quarrel with others. Lessen the quarrels and lessen the problems and one will not lose wealth.


Year of the Fire Ox: 1997 (Feb. 07, 1997 – Jan. 27, 1998)

For those salaried workers, luck will be good. Plans in which you proceed will be successful. Family luck will be good. Those who are still unattached will have a partner soon. Beware of traffic accidents. Never speed. For students, try not to use Facebook too often as it may affect your results.


Quick Facts about people born in the Year of the  Ox

Although the Ox is the patient and a dependable hard worker, he can also be the stubborn mule with strong predjudices. Due to his dogmatic nature, he can be overly authoritative over people and get impulsive when provoked into fearsome rages.

He is fair-minded, trustworthy, responsible and hardly regrets the decisions he makes. He is a traditionalist and likes to stick to routine.

The Ox is quiet yet extremely observant with an excellent memory. A conservative family-oriented man, he makes a good friend as well.

Oxes are most compatible with rats and roosters.

Colors: violet, pale pinks

Back to the Great Chinese Horoscope of 2018 – Click here


Year of the Rat in 2018
Year of the Ox in 2018
Year of the Tiger in 2018
Year of the Rabbit in 2018
Year of the Snake in 2018
Year of the Horse in 2018
Year of the Goat in 2018
Year of the Dragon in 2018
Year of the Monkey in 2018
Year of the Rooster in 2018
Year of the Dog in 2018
Year of the Pig in 2018

Predictions and forecast By The Chinese Zodiac.org

Ox 2018 Chinese Horoscope & Feng Shui Predictions

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