Are You Open To An Open Relationship?


Clear Examples Of Open Relationship: Which One Is For You?

Curious whether open relationships are for you? This is a major leap that can offer you an opportunity for excitement, challenges, and growth. Here’s what to consider before embracing a non-monogamous relationship.

Exploring the Best Non-Monogamous Relationship Style for You

So, here’s the thing: A lot of people are still holding onto this idea that an “ideal” relationship is one where a single partner meets every emotional, romantic, and sexual need.

Yet, others are also interested in expanding their intimate, emotional, and sexual experience beyond one partner. Some folks are starting to realize that being 100% monogamous can be pretty challenging.

As infidelity and divorce rates are growing, a larger number of individuals see that total monogamy for a lifetime is very difficult. In addition, as technology, options, and choices are endless, some couples are opting for a more flexible approach when it comes to intimacy and commitment.

Read more here: The Invisible Damage: How Microaggressions Affect Your Relationship

What Is A Non-Monogamous Relationship?

An open relationship (or any form of non-monogamy) can be an alternative to the exclusivity we’ve come to expect from traditional romance. It’s all about stepping outside that “just us two” box.

A non monogamous relationship is where partners agree that having sexual and/or romantic experiences with others is on the table. There’s usually a primary relationship, which has more emotional weight or commitment, but the door is open for secondary relationships that could be more sexual or casual in nature.

Types of Consensual Non monogamous Relationships

Here are some common examples of open relationship structures: 

1. Open Relationship

An open relationship is pretty straightforward. You and your partner can have sex with other people, but there are usually some agreed-upon boundaries around when, how, and with whom. The key here is that the door is open.

2. Open Marriage

Same idea as an open relationship, but with a marital commitment at the core. You and your spouse can see other people sexually, but your marriage remains your primary relationship.

3. Lifestyle Couple or Swingers

Here’s where things get social. Swingers usually swap partners with other committed couples for sexual fun. In this case, it’s more about the physical side of things, and about emotional intimacy, which remains focused on the primary relationship.

4. Polyamory

Polyamory is the practice of having intimate, romantic relationships with more than one person at a time, with the consent of everyone involved. This isn’t just about sex—it’s about multiple loving, committed relationships.

5. Polyfidelity

Think of polyfidelity as “group marriage.” It’s a committed relationship among multiple people who live together, share finances, raise kids, and are exclusive to each other. Whether it’s a closed group or one person practicing solo polyamory with several partners, the emphasis is on commitment and fidelity within the group.

6. Monogamish

Monogamish describes couples who are mostly monogamous but occasionally have sex with other people. These encounters are typically casual, and the core relationship remains the priority.

7. Relationship Anarchy

Relationship anarchy is all about rejecting traditional relationship hierarchies and rules. There’s no set “primary” partner, and relationships develop naturally, whether they’re sexual, romantic, or platonic.

8. Casual Sex or Hookups

In this scenario, it’s cool to have sexual encounters outside the primary relationship, but the emotional focus stays on your partner.

9. Emotional Non-monogamy

This allows for deep emotional connections with others but doesn’t necessarily involve sexual intimacy. The heart might wander, but the body stays home.

The Importance of Honesty and Communication In Open Relationships

Open relationships
Are You Open To An Open Relationship?

If you’re thinking about opening your relationship, be prepared to talk be open and expressive. Open relationships require trust, and trust is built through clear, honest communication. You and your partner need to be on the same page about what’s okay and what isn’t, how you’re feeling, and how to handle potential bumps in the road.

Communication helps couples figure out what they need from each other and from others. Over time, as you get more comfortable and less uncertain, your boundaries might shift, and that’s okay. Open relationships evolve, and that evolution is a reflection of growing trust and understanding.


Love isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal. There are tons of ways to construct relationships, and no single approach is “better” than the rest. What matters is that both you and your partner are on the same page—comfortable, curious, and committed to your partnership, even as you explore connections with others. 

As long as you’re honest and communicating clearly with each other, you can shape your relationship however you both see fit.If you’re considering opening up your relationship, it’s crucial to ask yourself (and your partner) what kind of relationship you truly want. This is about knowing who you are, who your partner is, and being open to the unknown.

And remember, just because you’re exploring non-monogamy doesn’t mean you can’t change your mind later. It’s your life, your relationship, and most importantly, it is your relationship with yourself.

Read more here: 8 Eye-Opening Signs You’re Settling For Less In A Relationship

The key is ensuring it feels right for you and your partner. Share your thoughts about this in the comments below!

Written By: Moshe Ratson MBA, MFT
Originally appeared on: Psychology Today

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