November Full Moon: Taurus may bring us a Sensual Love Relationship


November Full Moon: Taurus may bring us a Sensual Love Relationship

On November 14, 2016 at 8:52 a.m. EST we have a Full Moon at 23 degrees in Taurus.

It will appear as the largest, closest and brightest moon in the sky since 1948! So make sure to mark your calendars to see this spectacular lunar event taking place. The moon will not come this close to the earth again until November 25, 2034. Expect this Full Moon to look plenty full and bright all night long on both November 13 and 14 depending on where you live in North America or elsewhere in the world.

As the sky watchers remind us,

โ€œAt the Full Moon, the moon and sun are on a line, with Earth in between. Itโ€™s as though Earth is the fulcrum of a seesaw, and the moon and sun are sitting on either end of the seesaw. In many ways, a full moon is the opposite of a new moon. At both the new and full phases, the moon is on a line with the Earth and sun. At New Moon, the moon is in the middle position along the line. At Full Moon, Earth is in the middle. The Full Moon always comes about two weeks after new moon, when the moon is midway around in its orbit of Earth, as measured from one new moon to the next.โ€

During Full Moons the question always comes up, โ€œWhatโ€™s so unique about this particular Full Moon?โ€ Well, from an astrological perspective, each Full Moon falls into one of 12 astrological signs of the zodiac named for a constellation. This Full Moon falls into the sign of Taurus.
This is a time of super-charged energy with the sun and moon in opposite signs of the Zodiac. The sun is now in Scorpio. And, the sun represents usโ€”our character and essence. The moon is in Taurus and represents our emotional needs.

The sun and moon being in opposite signs now creates a yin and yang of solar and lunar harmony.

During the previous New Moon we may have conceived of ideas or become vaguely aware of our desires. In fact, we may have had miraculous epiphanies of the things we wanted to accomplish.
The Full Moon in Taurus is considered exalted in astrology, meaning the moon finds tremendous ease, harmony and comfort in this sign. While there is tremendous intensity, depth and power in this Full Moon lunation, it brings one a feeling of being grounded, sensual and gentle in pursuit of oneโ€™s goals, especially romance.

Here are a few ways that the Taurus Full Moon may bring a sensual love relationship into our lives.

Enjoy a sensual love with someone new

Under the Taurus moon we feel warm-hearted and affectionate. We are in this space where we love to love. We are most happy if we are in a relationship where we feel an emotional stability with the other person. So, we cautiously pursue a romance, because for love to blossom, we need to trust the other person. It is important that a new love make us feel safe and secure for us to be our most loving.

We are hot, passionate and sensual lovers who are loyal and faithful. But we need to go slow, even when the passions in our loins stir. We donโ€™t fall in love at the drop of a hat, and weโ€™ll stubbornly resist anyone who pushes us before we are ready. The Full Moon puts us in touch with our need for a romantic connection on a deep emotional level.

When we meet someone new we are excited about, we donโ€™t rush into a commitment. We are grounded in reality and also practical, making sure our needs will be met in our new relationship. So, if we decide to hook up with a new partner, we think through our feelings to make sure that we comfortable about our compatibility for the long term.

Under this Taurus moon, dating and courtship need to progress gradually, so that we can anticipate how weโ€™ll feel when that first kiss happens. We want to feel our lust as we imagine that moment when we are naked and our sexes come together in the ultimate passion.
A Taurus Full Moon is made for those who love sensuously and those who want to be loved that way, too.

Enjoy a sensual love with someone established

A Taurus Full Moon has the power to re-kindle the passion and romance of even an established relationship that needs a shot in the arm. Feelings of amorousness are helped by not only the sensuousness of a Taurus moon but also because Venus, the Goddess of Love, rules Taurus. If the passion of a long-term relationship has waned, this is a great time to re-connect with our partner in a more passionate and sensual way.

This Full Moon motivates us to re-discover the desire and passion we once felt so deeply for the relationship we committed to years ago. Even though we are familiar with our partner, we may need to set the stage for reintroducing the sensuality that was once so much a part of our lives, but has been lost for some time.

The Taurus moon jolts us from the past conversation, where we told our best friend about our sex life. With regret we confess that sex has gone from twice a day, years ago to once every month or so or may be even less often. The Taurus Moon is our opportunity to bring this intimacy back to our relationship, if not the quantity, at least the quality of what we enjoyed with our partner in years past.

How do the fires of intimacy ignite under this sensuous moon?

They start with both partners talking about their need and desire to connect with each other more romantically and sensually. Both parties have to commit to an effort that takes their intimacy from the mundane and boring to stimulating and exciting.

For some people it begins with a joint pronouncement of โ€œletโ€™s both get dressed up like we use to and go out for an intimate evening.โ€ It can start with a candlelight dinner at that romantic Italian restaurant that served such wonderful pasta and Chianti that made you both smile and stare into each otherโ€™s eyes in a way that said, โ€œIโ€™m so happy that you love me!โ€ We remember how that dinner included sharing tiramisu with cappuccinos, as you both held hands.

After dinner, this is the Full Moon to take a night walk along the skyline or beach, holding hands, looking up at the sky and remembering the lyrics to โ€œBlue Moon,โ€ or that old Dean Martin song, โ€œWhen the Moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pieโ€”thatโ€™s amore!โ€ At that magic moment, you share a sensual kiss that conveys your deep feelings of love and the promise that it will last for many Full Moons to come. The drive home brings smiles to both of your faces as you can hardly wait for the night to fulfill its promise, just as it did when you first met.

Sensual activities to enjoy during the Taurus Moon

โ€ข Dress up and go to a romantic restaurant.
โ€ข Have a drink by a fire with candles lit.
โ€ข Go slow-dancing at a jazz club.
โ€ข Enjoy a hot tub.
โ€ข Go to a spa where you can have a massage together.
โ€ข Give the other person a massage.
โ€ข Massage each otherโ€™s hands and feet.
โ€ข Give the other person fragrant flowers or perfume or cologne.
โ€ข Put romantic music on while holding hands on the couch.
โ€ข Shop together for lingerie.
โ€ข Try on the lingerie at the store where you can show the other person how it looks.
โ€ข Go out on a date wearing no underwear and tell the person about this at dinner.
โ€ข Make love slowly where your only focus is pleasuring the other person.

If you want to find out the House that the Full Moon in Taurus is inโ€”in your horoscope; or more about how the planets may be bringing changes to your life, go to the Free Transit Calculator and enter your birth date. (Please make sure to scroll down to the end of the page.) And, if youโ€™re curious to learn what your Horoscope says will be happening in your future, in such areas as your love relationships, and marriage prospects, as well as career, investments and health: Order your customized Report:Your Horoscope & Future in 2016-17.ย 

If you want a Personal Daily Horoscope for your phone , click the link.


If youโ€™re in love and want to find out if youโ€™re really compatible for marriage (or partnership) with another person, go to theย Free Love Compatibility Calculatorย and enter your birth date and theirs. And, if you want a customized report on your compatibility together, order yourย Love Compatibility Report.

If you want to know about the planets in your personal horoscope, go to the Free Horoscope Calculator and enter your birth date.ย If youโ€™re curious to learn what your Horoscope says about your love relationships, and marriage prospects, as well as career, investments and health, order your customized personal report.


About The Author | Larry Schwimmer

Larry Schwimmer is known as โ€œthe down-to-earth Astrologer who uses your Horoscope to solve your problems and tell your future!โ€

Larry is a San Francisco-based astrologer. His astrology readings explain what is happening in your life now and what events will happen in your future. He helps people pick the โ€œbest datesโ€ to make successful decisions of all types: personal, career and financial. Schwimmer is an internationally known astrologer, life coach and business consultant. He is also the author of the best-selling book: โ€œWhat the Hell Is Going On in My Life?โ€ ( He offers his astrology counseling services via phone, Skype or Face Time. To schedule a personal reading with him, visit his website: or Facebook. Order Reports here.

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