Harnessing the Morning Sun: A Holistic Wellness Trend in the UAE



Morning Sun

Dubai, a city synonymous with luxury and modernity, is now highlighting the age-old wisdom of harnessing the morning sun for enhanced well-being. As residents and tourists bask in the pleasant winter climate, health experts are emphasizing the myriad benefits that come with embracing the morning sunlight, making it a burgeoning wellness trend in the UAE.

The Science Behind Morning Sun Exposure

Dr. Khalid Shukri, a prominent figure in wellness and a physician at Wellth, a Dubai-based wellness center, sheds light on the scientific foundations of this wellness trend. The morning sun, according to Dr. Shukri, plays a pivotal role in regulating the body’s internal clock and controlling hormones, significantly influencing overall mood.

Encouraging a daily ritual of spending 30 to 45 minutes in the morning sun within the first hour of waking up, Dr. Shukri unveils the health benefits associated with this practice.

The exposure facilitates the synthesis of vitamin D, a crucial element for various physiological functions. Moreover, it exerts positive influences on sleep patterns, contributing to a more restful night.

Beyond the physical advantages, morning sunlight emerges as a potent elixir for mental well-being. The increased production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of well-being and happiness, creates a positive ripple effect throughout the day. Dr. Shukri highlights the role of morning exposure in enhancing focus, and productivity and acting as a natural energy enhancer by boosting cortisol levels.

The ongoing ‘World’s Coolest Winter’ campaign in the UAE dovetails seamlessly with this wellness trend. Encouraging outdoor activities and the enjoyment of the pleasant winter climate, the campaign aligns with the holistic approach to well-being that morning sunlight advocates.

Dr. Mariam Al Shamsi, a Consultant Dermatologist, accentuates the positive effects of morning sunlight on skin health. The morning sun, with its lower intensity, becomes a vital contributor to the regulation of circadian rhythms, influencing skin repair and renewal processes during sleep. This exposure aids in the synthesis of vitamin D, essential for maintaining skin integrity.

Dr. Al Shamsi points out that the lower intensity of morning sunlight reduces the risk of harmful UV damage, ensuring optimal skin health. The higher proportion of blue light in the morning sun brings additional benefits, promoting collagen production and potentially improving certain skin conditions.

The incorporation of morning sunlight into daily routines represents a holistic approach to wellness. In a city known for its vibrant lifestyle and high-paced living, taking a moment to embrace the morning sun becomes a simple yet powerful act of self-care. Dr. Shukri underscores the importance of going outdoors within the first hour of waking up, sans sun visors or sunglasses, to fully absorb the benefits of morning sunlight.

As the UAE experiences its ‘World’s Coolest Winter,’ the call to engage in outdoor activities and soak in the rejuvenating morning sun becomes not just a wellness trend but a cultural shift towards prioritizing health and well-being. The marriage of modern campaigns with timeless wellness practices showcases Dubai’s commitment to fostering a healthier, happier community.

In conclusion, the morning sun in the UAE is not merely a celestial spectacle; it’s a wellness prescription for those who seek to harmonize their physical and mental well-being amid the city’s bustling rhythm.

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