Navigating Mercury Retrograde: Your Astro-Survival Handbook



mercury retrograde

Mercury retrograde is back until September 14, causing its cosmic commotion. Wondering about its impact? Here’s a survival guide from an astrologer to navigate this phase.

Brace yourself, because astrology enthusiasts are all abuzz about the cosmic curveball it’s throwing our way. You might catch your astrologer friends bemoaning the mercury retrograde’s influence on their lives, but what’s the deal with it, really?

Stumbling over your own shoelaces, missing your train, waking up way too late, and forgetting the whole breakfast routine โ€“ that’s the Mercury retrograde experience in a nutshell, according to astrologer Cleo Neptune.

mercury retrograde
Navigating Mercury Retrograde: Your Astro-Survival Handbook

Now, let’s dive into Neptune’s five-point guide to not just survive, but thrive, during this astrological rollercoaster:

Mercury retrograde 2023:ย survival guide

1. Speak Your Truth with Kindness

If you happen to have a Virgo Mercury placement, you’re in luck. This retrograde season is your time to shine. Virgos are known for giving feedback like pros, and now it’s your chance to shine. Say what you mean and mean what you say, all wrapped up in a gentle package of kindness.

Neptune predicts that this retrograde will be all about nudging folks to offer constructive criticism and provide feedback on what’s working and what’s not in their lives. So, don’t shy away from letting your opinions be heard, but remember, a spoonful of kindness makes the retrograde medicine go down.

2. Embrace Your Inner Astro Explorer

This round of Mercury retrograde has settled into Virgo’s territory. So, if you’re wondering how it will sway your life, it’s time to crack open your astrological map and gaze at your chart. Websites like Co-Star and The Pattern can lend a hand in this cosmic treasure hunt.

Although Virgos might seem like the embodiment of organization, Neptune drops a truth bomb โ€“ they might have their external chaos, but they’ve mastered the art of navigating through it. So, during this retrograde, channel your inner Virgo. Dive into your mess, make sense of it, and let your inner Mercury guide you through the organized chaos.

3. Unveil the Hidden Wisdom in Chaos

Mercury retrograde and messiness go together like peanut butter and jelly. You can’t avoid the mess, but what you can do is dig deep and uncover the underlying lessons it holds. Neptune’s advice? Literally, rearrange the mess to make sense of it.

Think of it as a puzzle where every piece is a reflection of your mind’s workings. This is your moment to unearth hidden truths. Maybe you’ll stumble upon the realization that planning ahead isn’t your strong suit or that you’re neglecting some vital alone time. Whether it’s physical clutter or emotional baggage, grab that magnifying glass and get sleuthing.

4. List-Making: Your Superpower

Neptune suggests that when things go topsy-turvy during the retrograde, it’s list-making time. With the universe seemingly in disarray, jotting things down can help bring a semblance of order. Just remember, progress is a messy affair.

It’s not a profound philosophical concept; it’s as practical as rearranging your closet and examining each item to see what’s still serving you. Apply this closet-cleaning mentality to other aspects of your life โ€“ suddenly, your Mercury retrograde might just feel a bit less tumultuous.

5.ย Embrace the Unexpected

Batten down the hatches, because according to Neptune, things might get a bit chaotic. But instead of plowing through with the same old strategies that aren’t working, this retrograde could be your cue to try something new.

Neptune predicts that everyone will be riding the same “out-of-whack and frustrated” train, but there’s a silver lining. These discomforts might just be the motivational push you need to step out of your comfort zone and embark on a fresh adventure.

So, there you have it โ€“ Neptune’s savvy survival tips for this Mercury retrograde episode. Dive into your chart, decode the mess, make some lists, and fearlessly embrace the unexpected. Who knew surviving the cosmic turbulence could be this enlightening?

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