Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac


Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs For Zodiac

How much time have you put into thinking about what you need the most in your life to be happy? Not much eh?  Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for each zodiac might help you out.

We all need different things out of our lives and our wants and needs paint a pretty picture of how our minds work, what makes us tick, and how we perceive life. But emotions can be difficult to untangle sometimes and while trying to understand others, we often end up forgetting what makes us happy!

Like every other aspect of life, our desires also get shaped and influenced by our zodiac signs. So, if you are trying to prioritize your needs or decipher what someone else might be seeking in their life, letโ€™s try a unique approach by combining psychology and the cosmos and find out Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for each zodiac sign.

Read: How To Manipulate Each Zodiac Sign

Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac Sign

What is Maslow's hierarchy of needs for each zodiac?
What Is Maslow’S Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac?

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for each zodiac reveals the secret wants and needs of each zodiac sign, in increasing order of importance.

1. Aries  (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs For aries
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac

I) External Motivational Triggers

You need your inner fire to keep burning and for this, you gravitate toward people who make you feel alive, who challenge you, and make you feel excited about life.

II) Freedom Of Expression

As passionate as you are, you often fumble expressing your emotions. Sometimes your words rank high on the expletive score but you donโ€™t mean harm to anyone. You just need to unload the emotions that you carry.

III) To Be A Protector

You need to look out for others who get bullied or sidelined. You feel an urge to take those hustlers under your wing who are trying to make it big on their own.

IV) To Prove The Naysayers Wrong

At the same time, you are deeply motivated by your haters. You live to prove them wrong. Their criticism is what makes you press on when times are tough.

V) A Filter For Your Thoughts

Finally, according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for each zodiac, the thing you need the most in your life is a filter that can stop you from saying the wrong things at the wrong time.

maslow's hierarchy of needs for each zodiac
What Is Maslow’S Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac?

2. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs For taurus
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac

I) Comfort

The first thing you need to be happy is a comfortable lifestyle. You need fluffy duvets, rugs, throw pillows, and a care package to make you feel secure.

II) Friends That Can Match Your Intellect

The next thing you need is a fun and witty exchange between a closely knitted group of friends. You want people in your life who gets your sense of humor and are at the same level of intellect as you.

III) Personal Jamming Session

You need a personal space where you can disconnect from the world and simply enjoy your company while listening to your favorite music on full blast.

IV) Comfort Food

You need soul food that makes you forget your worries and you donโ€™t mind splurging on some high-end gourmet items to feel good about yourself.

V) Social Distance

Finally, according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for each zodiac, the thing you crave the most in your life is a safe distance from people who rub you the wrong way.

3. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs For gemini
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac

I) Friends

You cannot imagine your life without friends and anyone with whom you share a good conversation, instantly makes it to your list of โ€œbest friendsโ€.

II) To Be Geeky

The idea of a perfect Sunday for you is solving crossword puzzles by the fire. You need to spend your Saturdays reading books and visiting art galleries.

III) Social Media Drama

You need a good fan following on your social media accounts. You love to see people following your every move and lapping up your every word of advice.

IV) Imparting Wisdom

You have a lot of wisdom to share with the world and you need to grab every chance you get to make someoneโ€™s life better with your life lessons and experiences.

V) Surprises

Finally, according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for each zodiac, the thing you look forward to in your life is a pleasant surprise, that can change the course of things and make your life interesting.

maslow's hierarchy of needs for each zodiac
What Is Maslow’S Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac?

4. Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs For cancer
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac

I) To Get Noticed

You are not the most assertive person in the world but you would want others to take notice of you and pay attention to you even when you are being quiet.

II) Snuggly Pullovers

You just want to lay back and enjoy your leisure time while being snuggled up in a comfy big pullover.  

III) A Low Maintenance Relationship

You need a partner who will be sensitive to your needs but the moment they start expecting you to be more emotionally present, you are out of the door. 

IV) Bric-ร -Brac

Aesthetics are important to you and you want to decorate your living space with all the little cute things like elves, candles, and other bric-a-brac items.

V) Inebriation

Finally, according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for each zodiac, the thing that can bail you out from every sticky situation is a glass of fine wine.

5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs For leo
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac

I) A Solid Booked Weekend

You do not want to stay at home while others go out to party. You need to plan for the weekends in advance and make backup plans, in case the original one gets canceled. 

II) Friends Who Give Attention

You need friends who will pamper you, shower you with attention, and make you their go-to person whenever they are in a crisis.

III) Strangers Who Give Attention

You have a compulsion to be sweet and helpful to everyone you meet, but only as long as they return your gesture in equal measure.

IV) Work That Doesnโ€™t Feel Like Work

You love to work but need your workplace to be a stress-free comfortable environment that will be conducive to creativity and productivity.

V) Applause

Finally, according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for each zodiac, the thing that you secretly desire is recognition and adulation for everything that you do. 

6. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs For virgo
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac

I) Long Showers

You want nobody to disturb you when you take long showers at the end of the day because this is very much a cleansing ritual that reenergizes your body, mind, and spirit.

II) Altered Consciousness

Sometimes when the world drives you crazy, you donโ€™t mind getting a bit high and forget all about your troubles. 

III) A Getaway Bag

You need a getaway bag ready with a secret stash of money and a clean set of delicates so that anytime you can disappear and pop up in an entirely new place to start a new life. 

IV) Some Extra Hours In The Day

24 hours are not enough for your busy schedule and thereโ€™s nothing that you wonโ€™t give in return for a few extra ones.

V) Good Karma

Finally, according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for each zodiac, the thing that you want the most is some good karma for your good deeds.

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maslow's hierarchy of needs for each zodiac
What Is Maslow’S Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac?

7. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs For libra
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac

I) Positive Reinforcement

You want others to be patient with you when you are struggling, and lift your spirit up with words of encouragement and positivity.

II) New Ideas To Cancel On Your Friends

You don’t like to go out and paint the town red or beige or anything, but you have a problem saying no to your friends. So you are always on the lookout for innovative excuses to bail.

III) Therapist Who Will Double As Your Friend

You have a lot of things to talk about and you need someone who will listen to you and help you process your thoughts. What you need is a best friend who works as a therapist.

IV) Unlimited Money

You need a lot of money to execute all your plans for the future. From redecorating your home to a trip to Paris; your dreams are endless, your resources not so much.

V) Friends Who Will Always Have Your Back

Finally, according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for each zodiac, you need genuine friends who will understand you and accept you as you are.

maslow's hierarchy of needs for each zodiac
What Is Maslow’S Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac?

8. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs For scorpio
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac

I) Reciprocation Of Your Loyalty

You give your one hundred percent in your relationship and will expect your partner to match up to your loyalty and devotion if not exceed them.

II) Proofs Of Your Statements

You get into a lot of verbal duels and would love to always possess some kind of proof to establish your opinion. 

III) Soul Family

You believe that family is not only blood ties. You need people in your life to genuinely care for you, whether they are friends or colleagues, and you consider these people as your chosen family members.

IV) The Final Word

You need to have the final say in every argument and you have to have control over every relationship.

V) Privacy

Finally, according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for each zodiac, the thing that you seek the most is privacy. You do not want others to know your deepest desires and innermost thoughts. 

9. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs For sagittarius
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac

I) Advice That You Can Solicit But Ignore

You are always in the soup and thus continuously need helpful advice and suggestions from people around you. Whether you listen to them or not is a completely different story altogether.

II) Multiple Breakthroughs

You keep looking for insights to get out of your problems and need breakthroughs that can make you wiser and more aware in life.

III) To Never Miss Out On Anything

Your Fear Of Missing Out is legendary. You need your friends to always keep you in the loop and share every little detail about their life. 

IV) To Be Always Trendy

Staying relevant and trendy is very important to you. You make sure that you know all the latest celebrity gossip and fashion fads.

V) To Be Always Right

Finally, according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for each zodiac, you need to be right all the time. You just canโ€™t accept that you can be wrong, even when everything proves otherwise.

maslow's hierarchy of needs for each zodiac
What Is Maslow’S Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac?

10. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs For capricon
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac

I) Personal Time

You are a workaholic who desperately needs some personal time. But when you do get your coveted break, you spend that time thinking about work.

II) A Partner Whoโ€™s A Perfect Match

You are on the lookout for a perfect partner. What is your biggest need in a relationship according to your zodiac sign? To be a power couple with the love of your life.

III) Correcting others

You love correcting others and so you look for flaws in everything. This doesnโ€™t make you popular in any area of your life, but you simply cannot help yourself.

IV) Recharging Your Social Batteries

You need enough buffer time to recharge yourself after you go out to party with your friends. You seek solitude and introspection during these interludes.  

V) To Chill

Finally, according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for each zodiac, you need to blow off some steam when you get stressed so that you can get back to your busy life quickly.

11. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs For aqurius
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac

I) To Break The Heart Of People Whom You Care About

You have limiting beliefs and insecurities that make you sabotage your genuine relationships while they are still in the incubation and break the heart of those whom you care about.

II) Endless Music Streaming

You spend a lot of time in your head and an uninterrupted music flow helps you to clear out your mind. Music helps you to understand your feelings and to remain calm during stressful times.

III) Familiarity With Old Connections

You enjoy the familiarity of your old pals and need them in your life. You do not seek new friendships as you do not know what kind of energy they would be bringing into your life.

IV) Home Sweet Home

Your home is very special to you. It is the place where you can unwind, destress, relax, and recharge yourself. Wherever you are, you long for getting back to your home.

V) An Ivory Tower

Finally, according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for each zodiac, you need a time out every now and then. Sometimes the world drains you so much that you need to go off the grid and spend some days away from everyone. 

maslow's hierarchy of needs for each zodiac
What Is Maslow’S Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac?

12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs For pisces
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac

I) A House Big Enough To Store Everything

You have a hard time detaching yourself from things that have a special memory attached to them. You are always in need of bigger places to contain all your special nostalgic items.

II) Gentle Affection

You are a gentle soul with deep emotions and so you want others to treat you with a lot of gentle care. Whenever someone is rude to you, you get hurt and withdraw yourself into your shell.

III) Indulging Your Senses

You like to indulge your senses and surround yourself with objects of pleasure. You need things that are aesthetically pleasing and make you feel relaxed and comforted. 

IV) Anemoia

Sometimes, you feel nostalgic for a time that you never lived. You feel a tug at your heartstrings and feel a deep need to find that place that you miss so dearly, yet canโ€™t remember.

V) Passionate Speech

Finally, according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for each zodiac, the thing you need the most is to go on an emotional rant and tell people how you really feel about them.

Your Needs Give Away Your Secrets

maslow's hierarchy of needs for each zodiac
What Is Maslow’S Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac?

So that was all on our topic of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for each zodiac. Hope you found our article interesting and helpful!

Our needs and desires are the reflections of our souls. What we want out of our lives can tell so much about what kind of person we are. So, what do you need in life based on your zodiac sign? And what does that tell you about yourself?

Donโ€™t forget to let us know by commenting down below!

Read: 7 Odd Things To Put On Your To-Do List, Based On The Zodiac Signs

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Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac
Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac pin
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs For Each Zodiac

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