Living Within Your Sacred Heart


Living Within Your Sacred Heart

Living Within Your Sacred Heart

This an excerpt from the interactive book, A Course in Mastering Alchemy: Tools to Shift, Transform and Ascend by Jim Self and Roxane Burnett

โ€œDo you remember?โ€ This was the question I heard frequently, beginning as a small child. The quiet voice that asked was always there but just out of reach. No matter the problem or situation I was in when I got quite the solution appeared. However, as with most of us, life continuously got in the way. In 2001 a small group began to gather to do a piece of work guided by the Teachers of Light. We didnโ€™t know of its significance nor how powerful it would become.

We met each Wednesday for months and the Teachers would give us the next part of a process. One evening they said, โ€œAllow us to guide you Home.โ€ The guidance was to enter the Sanctuary of the Pink Diamond within the Sacred Heart. As we sat quietly there, again I heard that voice. This time the question was different: โ€œNow do you rememberโ€?

Your Sacred Heart

Your fourth chakra is more than a whirling wheel of love energy. Teachers call this center the Sacred Heart. In religions, this is often depicted as a human heart with light emanating from it. The Sacred Heart is much more than this. Itโ€™s not related to any religion and there is much to be experienced there.

Words are inadequate to describe the state of awareness and ease that accompanies living within the Sacred Heart. If I were to attempt to define it, I would start with reverence, unity, communion. Your Sacred Heart is not a single point but instead a general area. There’s no right or wrong. What you experience is correct for you.


The Sanctuary of the Pink Diamond

Thereโ€™s a special room within your Sacred Heart called the Sanctuary of the Pink Diamond. Much happens here. The goal is to live from this place continuously. Itโ€™s in this room where you will meet and begin to merge with your Soul, to know all that your Soul knows. Here you will meet the Teachers of Light. From here you will expand your connection with Creator.

Within this room stands a Pink Diamond. Some see this as a jewel, a shard of crystal or rough stone. There is no correct way of experiencing it. Before journeying to and entering this sanctuary, itโ€™s important you prepare yourself to experience the potential offered there. If you were about to enter a holy shrine, you wouldnโ€™t burst in with your phone beeping and your mind and mouth racing. You are entering a temple. Pause and take a moment to prepare yourself for a grand inner journey: ground yourself, clear your space, breathe, move to your Higher Mind.

This sanctuary sounds wonderful, doesnโ€™t it? Itโ€™s a marvelous space that holds a great deal of new information and insights each time you return. If you could have this experience any time you desire, what would keep you from living here 24/7? Distractions. Have you ever had a really good workout and said, โ€œIโ€™ve gotta do this every week,โ€ then promptly forgotten all about it? Life happened, filling that delicious space you created at the gym. It was filled with responsibilities, othersโ€™ demands, and lifeโ€™s habits. Noise.

Read Is Your Soul Tired? 10 Things That Exhaust Your Soul and Ways To Fix It

One of the most fundamental understandings we can get from these teachings is the value of finding and maintaining a noise-free life. It isnโ€™t easy to do. However, it is simple. It requires attention, focus, and commitment. It requires letting go of much that you are familiar with and living within your Sacred Heart.

Jim Self is an international teacher, speaker, and author who has been leading seminars on personal energy management and the tools of Mastering Alchemy. He is one of the few spiritual teachers to keep pace with the ongoing Shift in human consciousness, constantly co-creating the Mastering Alchemy programs with the guidance of the Teachers of Light.

Roxane Burnett is also an author and international teacher. She has been offering tools for developing intuition and personal management tools for individuals and women’s groups since 1994. Together their most recent book is A Course in Mastering Alchemy, Tools to Shift, Transform, and Ascend Itโ€™s been called the Course in Miracles for the 21st century.

Written By JIM & ROXANE
Originally Appeared On A Course in Mastering Alchemy

Living Within Your Sacred Heart

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