What Is Love To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign


What Is Love According To Zodiac Signs

Love makes life worth living, but what is love? It means different things to different people. Our stars influence our thoughts and beliefs. So, what does love mean to 12 zodiac signs? 

Although astrology is not a religion, it offers us comfort, faith, and a deeper understanding of us and the world we live in. Everything we think and do is regulated by the specific attributes of each person. Your zodiac signs can dictate what is love to you and how you act when you’re in love.

Every person has unique characteristics and has their own way of reciprocating and falling in love. Each of us has our own distinct way of loving,ย some are fond of showing their love in an intense way, and some show it in a more practical way. It’s also applicable to how the zodiac signs act in love.

For example, if you expect emotional signals, flowers, and chocolate, you would be disappointed if you are with an Aquarius but if you are with the very next zodiac Pisces, you will experience a sensitive, emotional, and spiritual bonding (if that is what you are looking for).

For those who have difficulties interpreting the signals of the zodiac signs being in love, this article is for you.

Find out what is love to you and how you operate in love, according to your zodiac sign

What does love mean to your zodiac sign? Let’s see!

1. Aries In Love.. (March 21st โ€“ April 19th)

What is love to you Aries
What Is Love To You Aries

Love is giving or receiving someone’s full attention

A born ruler but always young at heart. They fall in love quickly and passionately. When they give in to love, it’s vibrant and exciting. The strongest suit in Aries is that they have a remarkable ability to respect other people’s opinions and choices. They can be dominating but their warm, passionate side balances things up.

They need a partner who will be able to calm them when they burst into flames. But if Aries catches a small hint of weakness in his/her partner, they can easily fall out of love just the same. When Aries falls in love, they will charm you and keep things exciting.

2. Taurus In Love.. (April 20th โ€“ May 20th)

taurus in love
What Is Love To You Taurus

Love is trust and loyalty

Taurus people are known for their attachment and reliability. Change doesn’t go well with them and they have a strong belief in traditional values and morals. They aren’t the type to fall in love quickly but when they fall, they fall hard. The more they give the more a Taurus hopes to find a lasting home for her heart.

Taureans are attentive and caring but often get controlling and possessive, but when a Taurus falls in love, they will love their partner with intensity and shower them with love and praise.

Read: 8 Reasons Why A Taurus Makes The Best Partner In Life

3. Gemini In Love.. (May 21st โ€“ June 20th)

gemini in love
What Is Love To You Gemini

Love is finding a best friend in their partner

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, Intellectual stimuli are a necessity in all relationships they form. If they are to stay with one person in the long run, they need to be fascinated by their mind and also be able to teach them something. Their bluntness is their positive and also negative trait, but if you are able to get past this, you will experience one of the deepest loves possible.

They will approach their partner with vigor, humor, and an entertaining attitude and if they say they love you, they absolutely mean it. Donโ€™t get impatient with their inner child, they need a great deal of reassurance, but their loyal and loving side will make will feel like you have always wanted.

4. Cancer In Love.. (June 21st โ€“ July 22nd)

cancer in love
What Is Love To You Cancer

Love is to become fully devoted by actions and thoughts

They are fiercely protective of their lover. It’s easy to fall in love with them because Cancer possesses the heart of a nurturer. Cancers always want security in their relationship and while this is not a bad side sometimes they can get overboard by taking the help of clinginess.

If Cancerians are anything, they are fiercely expressive but what troubles them is the fear of getting hurt. When a Cancer knows that the attachments are in both ways, they can take the emotional connection to a different level.

5. Leo In Love.. (July 23rd โ€“ August 22nd)

leo in love
What Is Love To You Leo

Love is seeing their reflection in their partner’s eyes.

When they fall in love with you, they show their lover compliments and affection but also expect the same in return. Leos are the most loyal in a relationship, They also wonโ€™t hesitate to shower the person with affection and motivation in every way.

But their quest to stay in the limelight often makes them dominant rather than compassionate. A Leo is a sucker for honesty and awareness, make yourself eligible for these characteristics if you want to satisfy a Leo.

Read: 5 Things You Need To Know If You Love A Leo

6. Virgo In Love.. (August 23rd โ€“ September 22nd)

virgo in love
What Is Love To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Love is being able to show their vulnerable side.

Falling in love comes slow and tactfully but they will shower you with romance and intimacy to get you addicted to them. Their sense of responsibility is what drives them but sometimes there exists a fine line between responsibility and love.

Virgo will be attentive and nurturing, but at the same time, reasonable. Virgos want to believe they are in a safe place before they commit to a relationship. But once they build up faith, they will become more expressive and will provide their full support to their partner.

7. Libra In Love.. (September 23rd โ€“ October 22nd) 

libra in love
What Is Love To You Libra

Love is finding peace and harmony.

A Libra can be incredibly balanced. Librans fall deeply and they will make you the happiest person on earth. Librans listen and make sure you are heard. However, this goes both ways. You cannot help but fall in love with this charismatic zodiac sign.

Libra sign is ruled by Venus, they value relationships more than themselves. When they have found a perfect match, they can easily get tied for life. But yes, if you have a Libra in your life, you have found a classy one.

8. Scorpio in Love.. (October 23rd โ€“ November 21st)

scorpio in love
What Is Love To You Scorpio

Love is passion and deep emotions

When a Scorpio is in love, it has to be dramatic and intense for them. They find it difficult to trust and are known to make a wall around them but when truly find their ‘the one’, they drown in their emotional love for you the entire spectrum and will keep you on your toes.

They will be intense and possessive but will want their space too. Scorpions can be very jealous at times but you will never find a more loyal and dedicated partner other than them once it does “click in”.

9. Sagittarius In Love.. (November 22nd โ€“ December 21st)

sagittarius in love
What Is Love To You Sagittarius

Love is exploration and mystery

Falling in love means lots of attention and openness but at the same time, Scorpians will be an elusive and free spirit.  They want to grow not just for themselves but with their partner too. Be ready for the funny, adventurous experience with this most spontaneous fiery zodiac sign.

If you are in a relationship with a Sagittarius, you have to give them a lot of space. They love to keep things real, to build real closeness, they need someone to share their beliefs and walk with them to the unknown.

10. Capricorn In Love.. (December 22nd โ€“ January 19th)

capricorn in love
What Is Love To You Capricorn

Love is walking together to achieve great things in life

A Capricorn loves generously but they will try to remain realistic.  They turn on the cozy vibes with their partner even if they are known to be stoic. Capricorns are persistent and straightforward and that reflects in terms of handling their relationships too.

Their seemingly cold and distant exterior turns to a warm, cuddly nature that no one presumed possible when they find the one who is patient, and tender and sees them for who they are.


11. Aquarius In Love.. (January 20th โ€“ February 18th)

aquarius in love
What Is Love To You Aquarius

Love is finding their soulmate

When they are in love, they will bring in humor and fierce romance.  Aquarius’s wild and independent personality will make you feel like you’re on a wild ride. They are known for showing their love in a unique way and you will love it.

This is a sign often in search of a lot of emotional excitement. If they build an intimate and intellectually stimulating relationship, they will hardly drift away

12. Pisces In Love.. (February 19th โ€“ March 20th)  

pisces in love
What Is Love To You Pisces

Love is finding a connection to the soul

A Pisces honors the sensitivities in you when they fall in love. It’s important for them to understand you on a deeper level so they know your needs. This sensitive sign tends to feel too deep and that is why love can be both glorious or heartbreaking for them, depending on how their partner treats them.

A Pisces lover is gentle, kind, sensitive, and emotional. Even without physical pleasure, they can connect to another person on a spiritual level, sensing their states and forming a sensitive bond.

Every individual is different from each other and this is because they have been born under different stars. It is therefore important for you to understand what is love to you and your partner before deciding to get into a long-lasting relationship with them.

Here astrology can come to the rescue. Understanding the signs of the zodiac and the traits and characteristics of those born under these signs becomes important since one can decide very early in the relationship whether one can handle the relationship later in life.

So, that was all about what is love to you and how you operate in love, according to your zodiac sign. Did it resonate? Comment below!

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What Is Love To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
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What Is Love To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
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What Is Love To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Love To You based Zodiac Sign
What Is Love To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
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What Is Love To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
what does love mean
What Is Love To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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  1. Thisumi Avatar

    Might be true but some fake I’m Virgo and some things are wrong

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