How To Recognize The One You Made A Pact With Long Before You Were Born


How To Recognize The One? Strong Signs To Look For

Are you a hopeless romantic? Then you must believe there’s someone out there, made just for you! But when you meet the love of your life, how will you identify them? How to recognize The One?

Those who believe in the spiritual, eternal, and transcendental nature of true love strongly hold the belief that each one of us has a divine partner, the one with whom we’re destined to be paired in every lifetime. They are our divine counterparts; our soulmates! We have made a soul pact and agreed to unite with them time and time again.

What if, long, long before you were born, you knew him and chose him forever?
What if, you chose him when the concept of โ€˜youโ€™ did not even exist?
What if, you chose your โ€˜foreverโ€™ far before you chose your own self?

Skeptics might argue that love is just a human need for companionship and there’s nothing such as destiny. But we beg to differ. You have already chosen the love of your life. This life and all the crappy relationships that you go through are only a test to prepare you for the divine counterpart union with the one you have chosen.

Related: 6 Signs Youโ€™re About To Meet Your Soulmate According to The Law of Attraction

You have made a divine pact with this soul and they are the ones who will make your nights beautiful and your days even more extravagant, like no one else! So, how to recognize the one you’re meant to be with?

When you’re with them, you will feel that the time of the whole universe is not enough for you to share your feelings and stories. Hours will fly when you two are in deep heart-stirring conversations and no matter how much time you spend together, it will never be enough!

Your soul will dance in his presence and your soul will certify him. Your body will enjoy his touch and will desire to be touched by him. You will take great pleasure in all that he has to offer to you. Such love will nourish your life and it will satisfy your soul. You will be made for each other.

Such love will also tell you about your potential and the things you can easily achieve. He will know your worth and he will tell you how important and crucial you are to him and to the world around you. He will not only please the essence of your soul but he will also fill your life with purpose and peace.

But how to recognize the love of your life when they show up?

How to Recognize The One
How To Recognize The One You Made A Pact With Long Before You Were Born

But How To Recognize The One?

But, the question is how to recognize your soulmate. Here’re some signs that indicate you have met your divine counterpart.

1. You Will Feel Profound Happiness

The happiness of your soul, when he is around you, will make you know that he is the one. You will be coy and shy and you will need his entire attention.

You will understand, in his presence, what it means to be actually happy. You will be comfortable with him, not only emotionally, but also on a spiritual level.

Related: 21 Signs Youโ€™ve Met Someone From A Past Life

2. Outwardly Physical Sensation

How to recognize the one?

Your body will react in a different way around him. Physically, though, you might feel those butterflies in your stomach and an absolute desire to be caressed by him. You will get goosebumps when he comes close to you.

Being in union with them will feel no less than an ecstatic spiritual experience where you can explore your subconscious, just like an altered state of consciousness.

3. Separation Sickness

And what will happen when he is away? You will not know what to do with yourself. You will sit waiting for him as if there is nothing else to do except to long for him.

Due to this divine counterpart separation, you will not be at peace when he is not around and after a point of time, you will need him to be able to even smile. And you will not even realize how you have become so addicted to him. This happens because you are bound to him forever through your soul pact.

4. Self-Development

One of the divine counterpart signs when finding the love of your life is that they will inspire and motivate you to become a better person. He will add meaning to your life. You will constantly feel that you are special when you are around him and this feeling will make you feel that you can achieve whatever you want to achieve.

Once you will start feeling that, you will expand your potential and try as hard as possible to be the best person that you possibly can be.

And this divine counterpart journey will be wonderful for you as a soul because it will pave the way for your self-improvement and ultimate self-actualization, which was the divine purpose of your soul pact, all along!

5. Improved Well-Being

How to recognize your soulmate? How to recognize the love of your life?

Such a person will add positivity to your life and make you change your outlook. You will begin to count your blessings and feel more blessed and abundant. This will make you feel so good about yourself. No insecurities or petty trivialities will be able to affect your core. You will only go in the right direction.

This person will make you feel that you have the best body and the best skin and the best everything. You will feel comfortable and good about yourself and this will show in your personality as well, as this will add confidence to the way you communicate.

Related: 16 Unconventional Signs Youโ€™ve Found Your Soulmate

6. Losing The Love Of Your Life Can Be Extremely Difficult To Get Over With

Not everyone gets to spend their entire life with their soulmate or divine counterpart. Sometimes divine partners separate so that they can learn the value of true love.

Breaking up with the love of your life is a heart-wrenching experience and it changes you forever. No matter why you part ways, you two always keep missing each other and the breakup leaves a hole in you that can never be healed. Soulmates never forget or get over each other.

How To Recognize The One: A Guide To Finding The Love Of Your Life
How To Recognize The One You Made A Pact With Long Before You Were Born

How To Find The Love Of Your Life?

Now, what do you have to do to get this person? How to find the love of your life? Nothing much! Just refuse…..

Thatโ€™s right. Just refuse to settle for anything less than what you think you deserve. Donโ€™t let insecurities and loneliness decide the right person for you. Believe that the love of your life will arrive at any point in time. Maintaining a positive and optimistic mindset is necessary.

  • Donโ€™t settle for someone just for a physical need.
  • Wait for the person who sets your soul on fire.
  • Wait patiently for the kind of love that will change your life entirely.
  • Wait for the love that will make you feel like you are the best.
  • Wait for the love that will make you feel infinite.
  • Wait for the love that will feel like a blessing from God.
  • Wait for the love that you always thought you will get.
  • Wait for the love which you have already chosen. Just wait!
How to Recognize The One
How To Recognize The One You Made A Pact With Long Before You Were Born

Finding The Love Of Your Life Is A Spiritual Process

A divine counterpart connection will make you forget how it felt to be alone. Yes, you have been through your fair share of lonely days and sad nights, but this person will make you forget all the pain and sadness and you will only be filled with the love that your soulmate will shower you with.

So, wait for the one who will feel right to your heart and soul. Finding the love of your life and meeting them is a matter of time but recognizing him is the most important piece of the puzzle.

Related: Soulmate Signs and Signals: 7 Identifying Signs Of A True Soulmate

Now, that you know how to manifest the love of your life and how to recognize the one, spread the word by sharing this post. Also, do let us know your personal take on how to recognize the one you’re meant to be with by commenting down below!

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How to Recognize The One You Made A Pact With Long Before You Were Born
How To Recognize The One You Made A Soul Pact With Long Before You Were Born
How to Recognize The One You Made A Soul Pact With Long Before You Were Born
How To Recognize The One?
How to Recognize The One You Made A Soul Pact With Long Before You Were Born
How To Recognize The One?
How to Recognize The One You Made A Soul Pact With Long Before You Were Born
How To Recognize The One?
How to Recognize The One You Made A Soul Pact With Long Before You Were Born
How To Recognize The One?
How to Recognize The One You Made A Soul Pact With Long Before You Were Born
How To Recognize The One?
How to Recognize The One You Made A Soul Pact With Long Before You Were Born
How To Recognize The One?
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How To Recognize The One You Made A Pact With Long Before You Were Born
how to recognize your soulmate
How To Recognize The Love Of Your Life, Love Of Your Life, How To Find The Love Of Your Life
finding the love of your life
How To Recognize The One You Made A Pact With Long Before You Were Born

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  1. Anthony Rodriguez Avatar
    Anthony Rodriguez

    This is so true …you feel like never before .like they fill in each other’s voids.

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