6 Reasons Why Couples Who Argue Are Actually Happier


6 Reasons Why Couples Who Argue Are Actually Happier

Couples who argue very often are believed to have unhealthy relationships. Do they really? What if it is the other way round?

When relationships begin love is in the air. We get so high on love that we ignore all differences, proving the adage โ€™love is blind.โ€™

In fact, the foundation of love is laid with compromise. Itโ€™s like we are ready to believe โ€˜the sun rises in the westโ€™ if they say so, just kidding. But we do compromise a lot. Once past the butterfly stage, when the trip of love is low, we start to feel differences of opinion. Itโ€™s time our relationship goes through the test. We start having arguments. If these arguments are healthy we can learn a lot from each other and if not the relationship becomes toxic.

No love story, or letโ€™s say no epic love story, ever existed without arguments. Arguments, in fact, breed passion. Arguments show individualism, different perspectives, and the ability to teach each other.

By arguing I donโ€™t mean abusing each other. Throwing plates, punching, or breaking bonesโ€ฆ ouch!

Arguing simply means two minds having a difference of opinion, a battle of minds and for sapiosexuals, this is a great turn on.

Couples Who Argue

Here Are 6 Reasons Why Couples Who Argue Are Happier In Reality

1. Your relationship will survive anything.

If you cannot argue with your loved one Iโ€™m sorry it just isnโ€™t real love. If you can open your heart and mind and say what you want to say to your partner, your love will survive anything. If you bottle up your thoughts in fear of hurting each other, your worst nightmare may befall you.

Lack of arguing is due to a lack of engagement and this, my friend, is not a very nice word.

2. There is mutual respect.

Your views can be contradictory and thatโ€™s totally okay. It doesnโ€™t mean you lack respect for each other. It means you are open to differences and this gives you better understanding and a broader horizon.

Being able to listen to a different opinion and not losing your mind; instead countering it with a better argument raises both awareness and respect and that is how love blossoms. After all, love is not about how you feel for the other person but how you treat the significant other.

Does your relationship have the right amount of respect? Read 25 Ways You Can Show Respect to Your Partner

3. Absence of fear.

Fear and love can never stay together. Having arguments shows youโ€™re not afraid of each other. You have the freedom to proffer your opinion and complacent partners are appreciated for a while but itโ€™s the combative partner who makes the journey colorful. If your partner wants you to be complacent and not combative, chances are youโ€™re with a narcissist.

Having healthy arguments shows youโ€™re strong people and have a healthy love for each other and can handle strong opinions.

4. Presence of comfort.

We donโ€™t fight or argue with just anybody. We argue only with people we love and this shows we are comfortable around and with them. We can have a difference of opinion and still be together. This is really comforting.

We can be who we are, no showoff or no โ€˜trying to be the nice personโ€™. You donโ€™t have to make up things or agree just to please someone. These situations are really uncomfortable. You know an argument you have is not going to ruin your relationship and that is a comfort.

Does your partner argue with you enough? Read If Your Woman Doesnโ€™t Argue With You, She Probably Doesnโ€™t Love you

5. Absence of boredom.

When you can argue and give different opinions and ideas, it is anything but boring. You donโ€™t need to keep yelling but get on the table with your opinions and play the pawn with your brain. These fights breed passion and after an argument, if it doesnโ€™t decide who wins you can take it to the bed. *curtains on*

6. Presence of ideas.

You can always learn from each other. Arguments are not really to decide who is right and who is wrong but to present things you know and analyze which is right. In this process, the difference in knowledge provides an opportunity to learn from each other.

Isnโ€™t it amazing that you can learn something new every day from your partner? If your partner argues with you, you sir/madam have someone to teach something every day.

Like everything in life, itโ€™s about keeping the balance. You never want to insult or disrespect your partner. You can put your opinion forward in a humble manner. When you are in a healthy relationship you can always share what you believe in. Itโ€™s all in how you present any discussion.

If you want to know more about why couples who argue are happier, then check out this video below:

couples who argue
Couples Who Argue
6 Reasons Why Couples Who Argue Are Actually Happier

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  1. Karen Osbourne Sellers Avatar
    Karen Osbourne Sellers

    This works in all types of relationships if both (all) parties have the emotional intelligence as well.

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