Can You Find the Secret ‘Turn Off’ Symbol? Genius IQ Test: Time Limit – 15 Seconds ONLY!


Can You Find the Shut Down Symbol? Seconds Genius IQ Test

Are you savvy when it comes to technology? Put your IQ to the test with this genius IQ test!

Challenge your sight with this high IQ test: find the symbol of the ‘shut down’ button among tech symbols in just 15 seconds! 

Solving brain teasers can enhance cognitive function and may even aid in preventing conditions like dementia, according to studies. Try out the puzzle below to put your skills to the test!

Read more here: Attention Test: Spot 4 Mistakes In These Images for a Brain Boost!

Find The Symbol Of The Shut Down Button In This Genius IQ Test!

Technology plays an essential role in our day-to-day lives, from browsing on your phone to working on your computer. With that said, you probably recognize common symbols like WiFi bars and the ‘shut down’ button logo.

But can you find these well-known icons within seconds in this smart IQ quiz?

In the image above, created by EarthWeb, there’s a mix of tech-related visuals, including satellites, WiFi symbols, robotic hands, gears, and one central computer monitor. Additionally, space-themed elements, such as stars and planets, are scattered throughout.

However, lurking within this assortment is a specific logo — the “shut down” or “power off” button — that you must locate. You see it every day on computers, phones, and TVs.

Can you spot it in this picture?

Ready, Set, Go!

According to EarthWeb, it takes only 15 seconds to find the symbol. Set a short timer for yourself and try to find it as fast as you can—the goal is 15 seconds! This puzzle tests both your vision and IQ, so don’t feel discouraged if you don’t find it in time. But did you?

The time is up! Scroll down for the answer and see whether or not you managed to locate the power-off symbol quickly enough.

Check The Result Of High IQ Test

The symbol was waiting for you right on the edge of the vision test. Look again and see where it was positioned.

What It Means

1. If you could catch it in 12 seconds flat, you really are something!

The fact that your brain is able to process that visual information at such a high speed explains why you can spot patterns and symbols so easily. It also means that you have an eye for detail and the gift of recognizing familiar shapes quickly.

2. Locating the symbol within 15 seconds is still nothing to scoff at.

Maybe it took a few moments longer, but one thing’s for sure: you’re excellent at processing visual information. You can sail through complexity without much effort.

3. Now, if it took you 18 seconds or more to find the symbol, don’t worry: it doesn’t make you any less of a genius!

The truth is that you might’ve had some trouble identifying the pattern, should this be the case. There’s no need to feel bad about this little drawback. Distractions and other details may have gotten in your way or slowed down your pace unconsciously.

Remember: each person’s pace is unique, and there’s no shame in taking longer than others to solve this puzzle (or any puzzle!). Besides, your cognitive skills are far from lacking; they’re just geared differently.

Whether things click instantly for you or take a bit more time than usual, know that your strengths shine through regardless.

Read more here: Spot 4 Hidden Animals Among The Monsters in Just 5 Seconds! Test Your IQ

Did this genius IQ test bring a smile to your face? If so, pass on the fun by sharing it with friends or family members who might enjoy a friendly competition!

Let us know how long it took for you to spot the hidden symbol, and don’t forget to comment below.

high iq test

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