Category: Friendship

No matter how hard life gets, if you have a friend by your side, you will be alright. And with a closely knitted group of amigos, life can become an endless adventure!

However, for those of us, who struggle to fit in, who cannot be expressive or outgoing, making new friends can be a toughie. Also, sometimes in life, we encounter people who claim to be our friends, but their snide remarks and backhanded compliments make us doubt ourselves.

The Minds Journal’s friendship blogs aim to help you with topics like how to make friends, how to deal with toxic friends, why do you struggle to make friends, and more. Visit our web portal for the best blogs on friendship!

  • A Letter To The Friend I Lost to Suicide

    A Letter To The Friend I Lost to Suicide

  • The 4 Types Of Friends According To Buddha

    The 4 Types Of Friends According To Buddha