The Troublesome Dating Style Of The 12 Zodiac Signs


Zodiac Makes Relationship Toxic Vicious Cycle

Have you ever wondered why all your love stories run the same course of events and meet the same dismal endpoint? You have none other to blame but your specific dating style!

Yes, you heard it right! Your dating style needs to be fixed ASAP! Due to your broken dating style, you are creating the same dysfunctional relationship cycle one after the other and itโ€™s not helping anyone.

Our zodiac signs exercise a great deal of power over our personalities and the zodiac sign you are born under has something to do with the unsuccessful pattern of the relationship cycle that you find yourself trapped in, so often!

If youโ€™re still not convinced, then see for yourself how your zodiac sign ruins your dating style and keeps you repeating the same unhealthy relationship cycle time after time.

How Does Your Zodiac Sign Affect Your Dating Style?

Learn how zodiac signs behave in love and how their faulty dating style blows up in their faces.

dating style
The Troublesome Dating Style Of The 12 Zodiac Signs

1. Aries  (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

Zodiac Makes Relationship Toxic Vicious Cycle aries
The Troublesome Dating Style Of The 12 Zodiac Signs

Aries, you have a propensity to quickly jump from passionate love into vehement hatred in your relationships. Your dating style is you meet someone, you immediately fall for them, and start pursuing them. Initially, all goes hunky-dory, but soon enough, you start finding faults in your not-so-long-ago perfect partner. Maybe their laugh is too loud or their nose is too big, itโ€™s some silly excuse or another. Naturally, the relationship falls apart and you two start resenting each other.

Now you canโ€™t stand being in one room and somehow this animosity turns you on because soon again you find yourself hopelessly attracted to your ex. And the doomed relationship cycle goes on and on.

2. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

Zodiac Makes Relationship Toxic Vicious Cycle taurus
The Troublesome Dating Style Of The 12 Zodiac Signs

Ahh, the stable, slow to anger, Taurus, the personification of patience itself! You can boast of having a strong and successful relationship and the world will agree with you, but only you know that the real reason you are miserable in your relationship is that you never confront your partner regarding the things they do that drive you nuts.

Instead, your dating style is to gulp down your thoughts and carry on the charade of a perfect coupling. Only if you could muster up the courage to rock the boat sometimes, you can be so happy in your relationship.

3. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

Zodiac Makes Relationship Toxic Vicious Cycle gemini
The Troublesome Dating Style Of The 12 Zodiac Signs

The ever so restless Gemini, do you know what is the problem with your dating style? You take things too lightly, even the sensitive information that your partner shares with you in confidence never amounts much to you.

Your callous attitude breaks your partnerโ€™s heart, as pretty soon in the relationship they come to realize that you donโ€™t give a hoot about anything they say or do. To break this bad relationship cycle, you need to care more about your partnerโ€™s feelings and the things they share with you. 

4. Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

Zodiac Makes Relationship Toxic Vicious Cycle cancer
The Troublesome Dating Style Of The 12 Zodiac Signs

The whole world knows that you, Cancer, are a soft and sensitive soul. Your biggest strength is your caring nature. But this nurturing side of yours often compels you to see people not as people but as projects. You fixate on whatโ€™s wrong with them, what can make them even better, and stuff like these.

You forget that they are a whole individual person and not a fixer-upper. Their unique traits make them who they are and so you must not always try to make them better. To perfect your dating moves, try to accept your partner as they are.

Read: What Are “Character Traits”?

5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

Zodiac Makes Relationship Toxic Vicious Cycle leo
The Troublesome Dating Style Of The 12 Zodiac Signs

Leos are very personable, yes, but they can be moody and unpredictable too. You might be a warm and fuzzy person who instantly opens their heart to their love interest, but your whimsical nature sometimes can make it difficult for you to maintain a stable dating style.

Just when your significant other starts warming up to you, you might start feeling smothered. Your personal space and liberty are important to you and as soon as you feel your person is overstepping their boundary, you are out of the door. You can try to be a little more accommodating.

6. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

Zodiac Makes Relationship Toxic Vicious Cycle virgo
The Troublesome Dating Style Of The 12 Zodiac Signs

Virgo, you mean well, and when you tell people how they should be living THEIR life, you are just trying to help, we get it. But not everybody will! You need to come down from your moral high horse and stop poking your nose where it doesnโ€™t belong. Let people make mistakes and learn from them. You can offer your support when they need it but donโ€™t be a โ€œknow-it-allโ€ all the time. And please remember, no one likes to be told โ€œI told you soโ€ either.

7. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

Zodiac Makes Relationship Toxic Vicious Cycle libra
The Troublesome Dating Style Of The 12 Zodiac Signs

The one thing everyone admires about you Libra is your fair stance on everything. You are balanced and like to give the benefit of the doubt before judging anyone. However, your openness to embrace others sometimes make you lose your own essence.

In a relationship, you often start imbibing your partnerโ€™s culture, traits, and habits. This becomes troublesome when your partner starts liking you for the parts in you that are not organic and you too soon end up feeling living a lie. Result? Another relationship getting killed by your clumsy dating style. 

8. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

Zodiac Makes Relationship Toxic Vicious Cycle scorpio
The Troublesome Dating Style Of The 12 Zodiac Signs

Being the vindictive stinger that you are, Scorpio, you let your ego and your grandiosity ruin your chances of having a happy relationship. If you suspect that your person of interest is not giving you enough interest, you withhold your care and approval to the point that they feel ignored and start begging for your attention.

And when you get your ego boost out of their misery, you vanish in thin air. Not done. If you really want to amend your dating style, stop thinking so highly of yourself. 

Read: How To Manipulate Each Zodiac Sign

9. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

Zodiac Makes Relationship Toxic Vicious Cycle sagittarius
The Troublesome Dating Style Of The 12 Zodiac Signs

The real issue with your dating style Sag is that you get scared easily. Relationships can get intense and you are not up for it. You are all for fun and game but the moment things get real, you start formulating an exit strategy.

You need to have a little more emotional maturity if you want to be in a steady relationship that doesnโ€™t start and end in the bedroom. 

10. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

Zodiac Makes Relationship Toxic Vicious Cycle capricon
The Troublesome Dating Style Of The 12 Zodiac Signs

This should be quick and easy. Capricorn, there is no problem in your love life because you donโ€™t have a love life, to begin with. Your work is your first love and when you are not working you are hustling and when you are not hustling you are workingโ€ฆon your side hustle.

Your dedication to building a good life keeps you from having one. You have no time to spare for a romantic life and this is why none of your relationships ever really takes off.  

11. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

Zodiac Makes Relationship Toxic Vicious Cycle aquarius
The Troublesome Dating Style Of The 12 Zodiac Signs

Aquarius, you are a passionate soul who quickly gives away their heart in a relationship. When someone sparks an interest in you, you get drawn to them quickly and get deeply involved in an intense relationship.

But as soon you find yourself getting swayed and dizzy with all the love your partner showers on you, you lose your grip on yourself. You feel scared by the intensity of the love you two share and the power it has on you. You decide to take the easier route and leave the relationship, and a heartbroken partner.  

12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

Zodiac Makes Relationship Toxic Vicious Cycle pisces
The Troublesome Dating Style Of The 12 Zodiac Signs

Emotional intelligence is your USP Pisces and your dating style is using this psychological power move to win over your love interests. You quickly get the idea of what they are looking for in a partner and you become that person.

They feel they have hit the jackpot and fall in love with you. But you cannot carry on with this pretense for too long and a time comes when you feel let down by your partner when they canโ€™t accept you as you are.

Make sure that your dating style doesn't trap you in a world of make-believe
The Troublesome Dating Style Of The 12 Zodiac Signs

What Will You Tweak In Your Dating Style?

dating style
What Is Your Dating Style Going To Be?

We hope this article offered you some good insights into your dating style and will help you in your journey to find true love.

So that was it for our topic of problematic dating style as per the zodiac signs. Comment down below to let us know whether it resonated with you or with someone you know. You can share this with your friends and help them stop making these crazy mistakes.

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The Troublesome Dating Style Of The 12 Zodiac Signs
Zodiac Makes Relationship Toxic Vicious pin
The Troublesome Dating Style Of The 12 Zodiac Signs

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