The Clairsentient Empath: When Empaths Connect With Spirit Presence

The Unique Experience of Clairsentience Empaths 2

Empaths are powerful people, as they can feel othersโ€™ emotions like no other. But did you know that a clairsentience empath can feel spirits too?

We often fail to empathize with other individuals in our social and personal interactions. But empaths have the innate ability to feel things more intensely than others.

What is Empathy?

clairsentience empath is a powerful being who can feel even spirit presence

Empathy is defined as the ability to put ourselves in the mindset of another individual without losing a sense of individuality and uniqueness. It also involves being able to induct the feelings and thoughts of the other person.

Empaths feel everything too deeply. They can literally absorb other peopleโ€™s emotions and energy.

They are likely to cry when they see other people cry and they can also undergo discomforting physical symptoms like headache, nausea, stomachache, or anxiety when they are in the presence of someone exhibiting pain or harboring toxic emotions.

They can apparently experience the exact same things as the affected person, as intensely as they do.

Generally, people can feel the emotions of those they are closely related to but empaths can feel the energy of everyone around them. This is why they can feel drained in overly crowded places.

If empaths donโ€™t learn to create boundaries, the overwhelming emotions can escalate to cause mental breakdown and other psychological disorders like Depressive disorder, Anxiety disorders, and panic attacks.

Related: 4 Ways An Empath Experiences Life Differently

Clairsentience Vs Empathy: How Does A Clairsentience Empath Feel Spirits

clairsentience empath is a powerful being who can feel even spirit presence

When it comes to empaths and spirituality, Clairsentience is a more highly evolved form of empathy. It deals with feeling spirits and supernatural entities.

A clairsentience empathโ€™s power of feeling can surpass the boundary of our five sense organs. Such individuals are sensitive to energy from other spiritual realms and have a higher level of perception.

Related: Heyoka Empath: The Most Powerful Type of Empath

How can an Empath Feel Spirits?

While empaths have the ability to feel the energy of people around them, clairsentients can also sense the energy of spirits in the space around them.

People with the gift of clairsentience are highly psychic in nature. They not only feel the energy of other people but can also get spiritual insights or downloads regarding the energy of supernatural entities like spirits.

They have highly developed gut instincts and heightened senses that can sense a subtle change of energy frequency in the space around them, of inanimate objects, and also have a premonition about future events and situations.

Most of the empaths can be clairsentients as well. They might not be aware of this ability. If empaths learn to draw boundaries and work on enhancing their sensing abilities, they can uncover the gift of clairsentience hidden within them.

Related: Clairsentient Empath: Are Your Empathic Abilities Clairsentience Too?

Empathy Blessing or Curse?

Empathy is a blessing in disguise.

When an empath learns to protect their energy and draw powerful boundaries, they can prevent themselves from draining and absorbing overwhelming emotions and can uncover their hidden talents and gifts of psychic abilities, intuition, and healing abilities.

How Can Empaths Protect Themselves?

If youโ€™re an empath and want to unleash your hidden gifts, and at the same time ward off energy vampires, follow these powerful exercises:

  • Maintain a diary or journal to record any significant changes in moods or emotions. You can write down the places, people, or situations that negatively affect your mood. This way you will be able to distinguish between your own emotions and other overwhelming emotions that you have absorbed from other people.
  • Try using mindfulness techniques like mindful meditation, imagery, and grounding techniques to anchor yourself; keep yourself rejuvenated after your emotions are drained.

How Empaths Can Set Boundaries

You can set an intention to raise your vibration to an extent that instead of getting affected by the energy of the space around you, you transmute and convert that energy into affection and compassion for the general well-being of the universe.

When you find a pattern of certain people, places, or situations that negatively affect your mood, learn to create boundaries, and limit your time around these situations so that you do not unnecessarily drain yourself.

More Power to all Empaths

Being an empath, it is very important to be aware of your emotions and body sensations so that you can learn to separate them from othersโ€™ overwhelming emotions.

The more you grow in awareness, the more you will be able to fully unleash the empathetic, intuitive, psychic, or healing abilities hidden within you.

We hope this article offered you enough information on empaths, clairsentience meaning, and how empaths can protect their energy.

If you want to know more about how empaths feel spirits, then check out this video below:

clairsentience empath is a powerful being who can feel even spirit presence
clairsentience empath is a powerful being who can feel even spirit presence
Feel Spirits

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715 1

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