Birds As Spiritual Messengers: 5 Ways In Which They Communicate With Us


Birds As Spiritual Messengers Communicate Via 5 Clear Ways

Have you ever stopped to look at a bird and seen it as a spiritual messenger? Read on to learn how birds as spiritual messengers communicate with us!

Almost all spiritual traditions and ancient cultures have regarded birds as spiritual messengers who act as a link between the spiritual realm and our earthly realm.

They bring us spiritual messages through warnings, motivation, and solace, and guide us on our spiritual journey. Their appearance at a certain point in our lives can guide us in profound ways.

How birds communicate with humans and offer them divinely guided messages makes an interesting read! So, let’s delve into the mysterious and sacred realm of birds spiritual symbolism!

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5 Ways Birds as Spiritual Messengers Communicate with Us

Here’s how birds as spiritual messengers communicate with us:

1. Angels

Birds as spiritual messengers are no less than angels
Birds As Spiritual Messengers: 5 Ways In Which They Communicate With Us

Eugene Stile has linked Angels with birds in his book โ€œA small book of Angelsโ€ as their wings may symbolize comfort, healing, freedom, and inspiration.

“As with angels, some birds are symbols of up-gradation and peace (the dove, the eagle) while others function much as the Angel of Death (vulture, raven).

Surely it is no coincidence, that in fulfilling many of the tasks once given to simple birds, angels were perceived to be winged: there seems to be a compulsion to link angels with wings, which, by their very nature, have to do with flight, with freedom and aspiration.”

Claire Nahmad, in her book, โ€œAngel Messages: The Oracle of Birdsโ€, explains how birds may deliver angelic meaning through the songs they sing.

“The magical Milky Way, eternally associated with winged angels and home-going souls, is called in Finland โ€˜the Birdsโ€™ Way.”

It is the mysterious stairway to spiritual worlds, trodden by shamans and mystics but available to all if we are taught how to listen to birdsong and recognize the angelic messages that birds deliver to us. โ€“ Claire Nahmad.

She illuminates the unique link between bird songs and the messages of angels that can uplift humanity to the level of divinity.

Related: The 12 Archangels and their Connection With The Zodiac Signs

2. Birds as Spirit Guides

Andrea Wansbury inBirds: Divine Messengers, explains how people, who were close to you before they died, can send comforting messages to you. Birds as spiritual messengers act as a link between the living world and the other world.

“People in spirit use many means to let us know they are fine, and sending the message via the bird kingdom is just one way.”

Arin Murphy โ€“Hiscock has also emphasized that relationships with birds can be instrumental in connecting you to the natural world and help you in gaining spiritual insights in “Birds: A Spiritual Field Guide“.

3. Birds as Spirit animals or Totem Animals

Birds as spiritual messengers carry advice and warning from the spirits
Birds As Spiritual Messengers: 5 Ways In Which They Communicate With Us
  • Birds as your spirit animal

According to spiritual traditions, a spirit animal refers to a spirit that guides and protects you on your spiritual journey and whose characteristics are similar to your own characteristics.

Consider yourself highly gifted, if you have birds as your spirit animal.

The bird spirit animal symbolizes higher knowledge, wisdom, freedom, strength, leadership qualities, the ability to soar higher in face of difficulties and see the bigger picture, striving for your higher potential, and also inspiring others to do the same.

  • Birds as your totem animal

Another way the universe can use birds as spiritual messengers is by showing you imagery of birds. You can spot certain birds in a synchronistic manner, or come across them in their spiritual form, also known as Totems.

Totems are like a spiritual energy imprint that one is born with.

People, who have birds as their Totem animals, have an affinity for freedom, free spirit, and being. And also an incredible way of sensing when danger is near.

Lesley Morrison in “The Healing Wisdom of Birds: An Everyday Guide to Their Spiritual Songs & Symbolismโ€, explains how birds can convey profound healing wisdom through their spiritual songs & symbolism.

4. Birds as a Source of Inspiration

The universe can also use birds as a source of inspiration to push you to reach your highest potential.

Do not underestimate your interaction with the birds; they can be messengers of hope, transformation, and miracles.

Wansbury states, “These messages are words of wisdom and advice, and they can help us to identify and be aware of our hidden talents, or the negative beliefs and thought patterns that are holding us back.

Once these messages are understood and applied to our lives, they can be a valuable source of direction as we progress on our spiritual journeys.โ€

5. Native Americans and Shamans see Birds as the Spiritual Messenger of God

Shamanism is a practice that involves the Shamanic practitioner interacting with the spirit world and channeling divine energies to heal human beings.

Related: 7 Signs Your Inner Shaman Is Awakening

Their practices are aimed at reaching altered states of consciousness and accessing guidance from the spiritual world and in turn using that wisdom to mend the soul.

In Native American and Shamanic cultures, birds are seen as Godโ€™s messengers and a lot of their healing practices revolve around the wisdom they can gain from birds.

“Those little nimble musicians of the air, that warble forth their curious ditties, with which nature hath furnished them to the shame of art.”  – Izaak Walton

If you want to know more about birds spiritual meaning, then check out this video:

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Birds As Spiritual Messengers: 5 Ways In Which They Communicate With Us
birds as spiritual messengers
Birds As Spiritual Messengers: 5 Ways In Which They Communicate With Us
birds as spiritual messengers
Birds As Spiritual Messengers: 5 Ways In Which They Communicate With Us
birds as spiritual messengers
Birds As Spiritual Messengers: 5 Ways In Which They Communicate With Us

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  1. Paul Hayes Avatar
    Paul Hayes

    Hi Shweta, my wife and I are both in our seventies, and we had two lovely Jack Russell dogs, sisters, Molly and Belle, we had them at 3 months old, and they brought so much joy and love into our lives, but we had to have Molly put to sleep at 5 yrs old, which was devastating as she was such a character, we buried her in our garden, and have tended the area, with flowers , and always when near will speak to her, I know that .ight sound strange, but she was so loved, we still had Belle, who we both adored, and unfortunately due to her age 12 years and six months she had problems and recently was in so .ugh pain, that we decided we could not watch her suffer anymore and had to take her to the vet, and he put her to sleep, my wife and I were with her, and were devastated, it was like losing a child. The strange thing is that after burying her next to Molly In our garden, we have had a visitor, a little blue tit came the day after and perched on our window ledge, right next to the glass, and was looking in at me and my wife, it flew off after a few seconds, we did not thing much about it, even though we have lived in our house for 18 years, but the day after again around the same it came back and was looking in at us. We had a strange feeling that it was trying to let us know something. Are we being a bit paranoid, as we are both still in grief. Regards Paul and Jane.

    1. Peg Avatar

      I’m not the person you asked but I felt the need to reply. Firstly, I’m sorry for your losses, definitely one of the hardest decisions to have to make.

      My heart tells me that little bird was a sign from your sweet babies, that they’re reunited on the other side, and that they don’t want you to be sad because they are always near and that they knew how much they meant to you both, that feeling was mutual. So, when the day comes for you both to cross over, they will be right there waiting for you.

      So, I don’t believe you were being paranoid. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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