Astrocartography: What Is Your Ideal Travel Destination According to Your Birth Chart


How To Read Astrocartography Chart? Best Steps To Follow

How would it be if you could plan your next holiday or even relocation, not from the things you need there but by the cosmic energies? Take a look at astrocartography โ€“ an intriguing mix of astrology and geography that reveals what may happen when you travel different parts of the world according to your birth chart.

Astrocartography: What Is Your Ideal Travel Destination According To Your Birth Chart

What Is Astrocartography Reading?

Astrocartography reading, also referred to as relocation astrology, is a practice that involves mapping the planetsโ€™ positions in relation to where an individual was born.

These lines connect countries and continents across the globe identifying diverse planetary influences at different locations. The following is a general interpretation for each planet:

  • Sun: vitality, ego, self-confidence and leadership qualities.
  • Moon: emotional responses, nurturing instincts and subconsciousness awareness.
  • Mercury: intellectual faculties like thinking ability, speaking skills or even knowledge acquisition methods.
  • Venus: love affairs including physical attractions; artistic sensitivity such as appreciation of beauty; social harmony through cooperation among others.
  • Mars: energy levels within us which are employed in accomplishing goals; assertiveness expressed towards others when necessary
  • Jupiter: growth potentials available during this lifetime i.e., luck factor plus opportunities presented along oneโ€™s path towards self-development.
  • Saturn: Discipline that shapes character; responsibility for oneโ€™s actions and challenges faced along lifeโ€™s journey
  • Uranus: Change may come suddenly without warning signs ; breakthrough innovations achieved after breaking free from routine ways of doing things thus signifying independence too
  • Neptune: dreams behind our spiritual aspirations such as idealism related to religion or belief systems; inspiration arising from an inner connection with divine Source sometimes called God/dess energy amongst other names given its transcendental nature;
  • Pluto: power structures leading either upwards (rebirth) or downwards (death); regeneration through transformation hence represents both destructive forces/energies alongside creative ones;
  • Chiron: healing wounds that help us grow into wiser beings who can guide others through similar experiences on their own healing journey.
  • North Node & South Node: represent karmic paths taken up during previous incarnations which provide valuable lessons for the current life.

Read more here: 4 Mutable Signs In Astrology: The Philosophers Of Duality

How Different Locations Change Or Affect Your Life

Astrological mapping, or astrocartography looks at how different places in the world align with your birth chart. Below are a few examples for some countries:

1. USA

Astrocartography: What Is Your Ideal Travel Destination According To Your Birth Chart

New York City: Love, beauty and creativity will be enhanced on a Venus line, making it great for careers in the arts or relationships.

Los Angeles: Personal identity and leadership will be highlighted on a Sun line, which is ideal for those in entertainment.

2. France

Astrocartography: What Is Your Ideal Travel Destination According To Your Birth Chart

Paris, France: Expansion and success will come with a Jupiter line, so this is perfect for business or academics.

Nice, France: Emotional comfort and nurturing relationships can be found along a Moon line.

3. Japan

Astrocartography: What Is Your Ideal Travel Destination According To Your Birth Chart

Tokyo: Communication and intellectual pursuits are boosted by a Mercury line, so this is great for business and learning.

Kyoto: Discipline and long-term achievement are supported on a Saturn line.

4. Brazil

Astrocartography: What Is Your Ideal Travel Destination According To Your Birth Chart

Rio de Janeiro: Action and adventure will be energized on Mars lines; this is perfect if you’re looking for excitement!

Sรฃo Paulo: Innovation and change are encouraged by Uranus lines.

5. Australia

Astrocartography: What Is Your Ideal Travel Destination According To Your Birth Chart

Sydney: Creativity and spirituality are enhanced along Neptune lines.

Melbourne: Transformation and personal growth can occur on Pluto lines.

6. India

Astrocartography: What Is Your Ideal Travel Destination According To Your Birth Chart

Mumbai: Emotional satisfaction and creative fulfillment can be found along Moon lines.

Delhi: Structured career growth areas should be emphasized more where there’s discipline represented by Saturn lines.

Astrocartography reading reveals what different places may do to us according to our individual natal charts.

How To Read Astrocartography Chart To Enhance Your Travel or Relocation Plans

Step 1: Get Your Astrocartography Chart

For those who want to know how to read astrocartography chart, all you need is your birth date, time and place. Using these details, astrologers can create a map that shows the most powerful planetary influences in various regions around the globe.

Step 2: Linesโ€™ Meaning

Your astrocartography map has a line for each planetโ€™s rising, setting, culminating (at its highest point), or at its nadir (lowest point) during childbirth. Examples:

A. Sun Line: Travel along your sun line to raise self-assurance levels, leadership skills and public recognition abilities. Best places for this are career centers and those activities that require being in the limelight.

B. Venus Line: Select any place located on your Venus line if you would like to improve your love life or engage in artistic activities because it is associated with beauty and luxury as well. This is an excellent site for honeymooning or taking retreats where one can focus more on personal care and creativity.

C. Mars Line: If what you seek is adventure, energy and being aggressive then travel through places along your mars line where they will provide all these qualities needed for drive determination etcetera; besides physical action such as sports could be done here also new projects may be started.

Step 3: Plan your travel or relocation

This is how you plan out your trips and relocations based on what has been revealed to you by the astrocartography chart:

Holidays: Think about vacation spots where your good lines cross. For instance, for a journey meant to help you relax (Sun) as well as engage in thought-provoking activities (Mercury), it would be perfect to choose a Sun-Mercury conjunction.

Relocation: In choosing where to stay, let areas that are in line with positive planetary influences work with your goals and ambitions. If you are aiming at career growth then a Jupiter or Saturn line can give you the necessary support structures and opportunities.

Step 4: Introspection on personal development

The use of astrocartography reading is not limited only to external events but also involves matters of self-improvement. 

Take time to think over different places that have impacted on your life so far; how did they make you feel? What were some of the things that happened while there? Is it possible that certain environments make us more driven, creative or serene than others? With such knowledge about oneself it will be easier making decisions in life and opening up new frontiers.

Astrocartography considers astrological influences along with practical considerations thus making traveling and planning for relocation a different experience altogether. 

It should be noted that this method cannot always predict what will happen but can give us some important information which might help in enhancing them as we are driven by forces cosmic coinciding with our horoscope while moving from one place to another.

Whenever you want to go on vacation or think about changing residence, take a look at the map of your birth places, these Astrocartography charts serve many purposes.

They enable people find their way around new environments by showing them where certain types of energy prevail over others โ€“ this is particularly useful for those who seek romance, career success or personal development while traveling abroad.

Read more here: Inside Out Zodiac Signs: Which Emotion Represents You The Best?

Share your thoughts on how to read astrocartography chart in the comments below!

Astrocartography: What Is Your Ideal Travel Destination According To Your Birth Chart

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