“Dear Dad, I Will Be Called A Whore.” – This powerful video is leaving everyone speechless- MIND VIDEO


“Dear Dad, I Will Be Called A Whore.” - This powerful video is leaving everyone speechless- MIND VIDEO

Norwegian charity organization CARE campaigns for women’s rights. They’ve released a short film reflecting the impact of men’s violence against women and the danger that both girls and women live with in our society today.

The short film has already been viewed by several million people, and I don’t think a single one has was left unmoved by its important message, delivered in a very powerful way.

#DearDaddy is a five-minute video that journeys through a woman’s relationship with men, starting from when she’s in the womb. The woman is speaking to her father and telling him about the violence she will inevitably face. Dad doesn’t know it yet, but he’s a cause of this cycle of abuse.

So take five minutes of your time to watch this. If not for yourself, then for your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and everyone else around you. This is simply very important.

Please use the share button below to help spread awareness on this important issue.

Video by Care Norway

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  1. Terry D. Pickron Avatar
    Terry D. Pickron

    …daddies are the cause of all the childrens problems…a well known fact…

    1. Rosanne Harlow Mann Avatar
      Rosanne Harlow Mann

      daddies and stepmothers… because all stepmothers are evil… my stepdaughters were doomed having one of each…

    2. Terry D. Pickron Avatar
      Terry D. Pickron

      Rosanne Harlow Mann ,yes…the children are the only innocents and suffer great harm from the truely guilty and that follows them…forever…sad and true…

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