When Grandparents’ Love Goes Sour: 8 Signs Of Toxic Grandparents And How To Survive Them


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Signs Of Toxic Grandparents And How To Survive Them

Everyone adores their grandparents and grandparents never fail to pamper us, and make us feel loved and cared for. Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with nice grandparents; some people spend their whole lives dealing with toxic and problematic ones. Today, we are going to talk about some of the most glaring signs of toxic grandparents.

Living with toxic grandparents is one of those tricky, emotionally exhausting challenges that can leave you questioning everything. The signs of toxic grandparents aren’t always glaringly obvious at first, but once you recognize them, it can feel like the rug’s been pulled out from under you.

Whether it’s the constant undermining of your parental authority or sneaky ways they violate your boundaries, navigating manipulative toxic grandparents can be a minefield.

But don’t worryโ€”youโ€™re not alone, and there are ways to handle it. Letโ€™s dive into what are toxic grandparents, the signs of toxic grandparents and how you can survive their negativity.

Related: 8 Warning Signs Of A Toxic Grandparent

What Are Toxic Grandparents?

Toxic grandparents are those who, instead of being supportive and loving, engage in behaviors that are harmful or manipulative toward their grandchildren and the parents.

They might undermine your authority, play favorites, or constantly overstep boundaries. Instead of working towards building a healthy family dynamic, they create tension, drama, and cause a lot of emotional distress.

Whether itโ€™s through subtle manipulation or outright disrespect, their actions can cause lasting damage to relationships. So, maybe cutting off toxic grandparents is a good idea?

signs of toxic grandparents
When Grandparents’ Love Goes Sour: 8 Signs Of Toxic Grandparents And How To Survive Them

8 Signs of Toxic Grandparents

Signs Of Toxic Grandparents infographic
When Grandparents’ Love Goes Sour: 8 Signs Of Toxic Grandparents And How To Survive Them

1. They undermine you all the time in front of your children.

One of the most frustrating signs of toxic grandparents is when they constantly undermine your authority as a parent. You say no more cookies, but they sneak one to your child anyway. You set a bedtime, and they keep the kids up late with TV or games.

This constant undercutting sends a confusing message to your children and chips away at your role as a parent. It’s like theyโ€™re saying your rules don’t matter, which can lead to serious discipline issues down the road.

2. They go over you and talk to their grandkids.

Toxic grandparents often ignore parents and speak directly to their grandkids, as if you are not even in the room. Whether theyโ€™re offering candy right before dinner or planning outings without making you a part of the discussion, this behavior shows a blatant disregard for your role as the parent.

It can leave you feeling invisible and disrespected. The way to tackle this is by insisting on being included in all conversations and decisions involving your children.

3. They always play favorites.

Nothing can drive a wedge in a family faster than manipulative toxic grandparents who play favorites. One of the major signs of toxic grandparents, this means they may shower one grandchild with gifts and attention while neglecting or even criticizing another.

This sort of toxic favoritism can cause deep emotional scars and sibling rivalry. Itโ€™s painful to witness as a parent, and it can feel like your child’s worth is being measured and found lacking. In such cases, maybe cutting off toxic grandparents is the right thing to do.

4. They are unwilling to change their behavior.

One of the most challenging things about living with toxic grandparents is that no matter how much you may try to make them understand, they will refuse to change their behavior.

No matter how many times you explain how their behavior is harmful, they dig in their heels and refuse to budge. This unwillingness to adapt can make it feel like you’re banging your head against a wall. Surviving this requires setting clear, non-negotiable boundaries.

If they continue to cross those lines, you may need to take more drastic measures, such as limiting their contact with your children until they can respect your rules.

5. They say horrible things about you behind your back.

Hearing that the grandparents have been badmouthing you to othersโ€”or worse, to your own kidsโ€”can be incredibly hurtful. Whether they’re criticizing your parenting style, your choices, or your lifestyle, this kind of toxic behavior can create a serious rift in your family.

It’s especially damaging when your children hear these negative comments because it can undermine their trust in you. After a point, they might even start to resent you because they are kids and they are impressionable.

signs of toxic grandparents
When Grandparents’ Love Goes Sour: 8 Signs Of Toxic Grandparents And How To Survive Them

6. They put down other grandparents.

One of the biggest signs of toxic grandparents is that they think they are the best people to walk on Earth and the other set of grandparents are nothing but a bunch of losers.

They might make snide comments about how the other grandparents are “no fun” or “don’t care as much”, which can confuse your children.

This sort of behavior is not only immature but also harmful, as it puts your kids in the middle of a battle they didnโ€™t sign up for.

Related: 14 Ways A Narcissistic Grandmother Can Harm Your Children

7. They refuse to respect your boundaries and keep on violating them.

One of the most annoying things about living with toxic grandparents is this.They have a knack for ignoring boundaries whether it’s showing up unannounced, insisting on their way, or interfering in your decisions.

This disrespect can leave you feeling overwhelmed and powerless. Itโ€™s important to remember that you have the right to set boundaries, and you deserve to have them respected. Also, if needed, cutting off toxic grandparents is also something you can consider.

8. They emotionally blackmail you when things don’t go their way.

Emotional blackmail is a favorite tool of manipulative toxic grandparents. They may use guilt, shame, or threats to get their way, making you feel like you’re the bad guy for setting limits.

Phrases like โ€œIf you loved me, youโ€™d let me see the kids more,โ€ or โ€œI guess Iโ€™m just not important to you anymoreโ€ are classic examples. Such manipulative toxic granparents can be exhausting and emotionally draining.

One of the worst signs of toxic grandparents, emotional blackmail is not just annoying, it can have a far-reaching impact on your and your children, both mentally and emotionally.

Okay, now that we have talked about the signs of toxic grandparents, let’s talk about how to deal with toxic grandparents.

signs of toxic grandparents
When Grandparents’ Love Goes Sour: 8 Signs Of Toxic Grandparents And How To Survive Them

How To Deal With Toxic Grandparents?

  • Establish non-negotiable boundaries: Make your rules clear and stick to them, no matter how much they push back.
  • Use the “Broken Record” technique: Calmly repeat your boundaries without reacting to their mind games and giving them the satisfaction of engaging in their drama.
  • Involve a neutral party: Bring in a mediator, like a family therapist or a mature, unbiased family member, to help navigate difficult conversations.
  • Make sure you create a united front: How to deal with toxic grandparents? Ensure both you and your spouse are on the same page, showing a strong, unified stance.
  • If needed, limit your contact with them: Reduce visits or communication if you feel like their toxic behavior is getting worse or is threatening to escalate.
  • Try to document everything: Keep a record of every problematic interaction and conversation you have with them, so that if needed, you can revisit those issues later.
  • Flip the script: How to deal with toxic grandparents? Try to respond to their manipulation with unexpected kindnessโ€”confuse their toxicity with positivity.
  • Teach your children to recognize manipulation: Empower your children to understand and resist guilt trips or favoritism.
  • Make sure there’s consequences for their actions: Clearly let them know what will happen if they choose to violate the boundaries you have created, and make sure you follow through.
  • Take good care of yourself: Donโ€™t let the stress consume you; take some time out for yourself to recharge and keep your own well-being in check. This is crucial if you are wondering how to deal with toxic grandparents.


Dealing with manipulative toxic grandparents is never easy, but if you know what to look for and you know how to respond, that makes all the difference. More than fighting with them, it’s about protecting your family and making sure that your role as the parent is respected.

Remember that if you are living with toxic grandparents, then you’re not alone in this, and setting firm boundaries is the key to surviving and thriving despite the negativity.

Related: How Healthy Boundaries With Your In-laws Will Make Your Marriage Stronger

Your kids need you to be strong, and with the right approach, you can navigate these tricky relationships while keeping your familyโ€™s well-being intact.

Have you ever had to live with toxic grandparents? Do you think cutting off toxic grandparents is the way to go in situations like this? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

toxic grandparents
8 Signs Of Toxic Grandparents

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