The door slam (INFJ)

The door slam (INFJ)

The Door Slam (INFJ)

Thereโ€™s this thing called the โ€œINFJ Door Slam.โ€ ย People talk about it. ย Other personality types trash it, but few people try to explain it in simple terms. ย Itโ€™s different for everyone, no doubt, but in simple termsโ€ฆ

The INFJ door slam is what happens when we are burned out by unresolved emotions, so we resolve the issue by deciding that the relationship is over.

INFJs are deeply emotional creatures. ย We donโ€™t feel as much as it looks like we do (thatโ€™s mirroring, which is a whole other topic), but when we feelโ€ฆwe feel deeply and fully. ย That means that we burn out. ย If we are emotionally toyed with, abused, or overloaded, and there is no end to the emotional assault in sight, we have to do something. ย Unlike some other types, we cannot simply live with or ignore that emotional onslaught. ย We crave resolution. ย If we cannot get it – whether it is denied or the situation is just ignored – we resolve it ourselves. ย Frequently, we resolve it by ending the emotional ties that overloaded us in the first place. ย The INFJ door slam is not some abusive act of anger. ย It is not an act of revenge. ย It is an act of self preservation, and once those emotional ties are severed, it is almost impossible to re-attach them.

If your INFJ is angry or crying, things can be repaired. ย If theyโ€™re cool-ly friendly and ambivalentโ€ฆyou may have a door slam problem.ย 

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