10 Riveting Movies About Broken Marriages: How Love Crumbles Over Time


Best Movies About Broken Marriages: How Love Dies

Marriage is supposed to represent love and commitment, but it’s not always a fairy tale. Below are some of the movies about broken marriages that challenge the “happily ever after” stereotype!

Sometimes, things start falling apart — from within or without — and this is frequently caused by different pressures and conflicts.

Broken marriage movies have taken up this subject widely, giving us stories that are sad, or even hopeful around relationships.

Below you’ll find ten such unhappy marriage movies that show how love can breakdown and be turbulent – each films look at human relationships from a different angle.

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10 Best Movies About Broken Marriages

1. Revolutionary Road (2008)

10 Best Movies About Broken Marriages
10 Riveting Movies About Broken Marriages: How Love Crumbles Over Time

Starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet as Frank and April Wheeler respectively; directed by Sam Mendes.

Set in the 1950s America where happiness is mandatory in suburbs filled with pretentious mediocrity posing as contentment; beneath lies disillusionment waiting to escape.

2. Blue Valentine (2010)

movies about broken marriages
10 Riveting Movies About Broken Marriages: How Love Crumbles Over Time

Dean falls madly in love with Cindy, who initially resists his advances before finally accepting him into her life.

Their relationship grew stronger until it reached breaking point due to resentments built up over years together. The story unfolds through a non-linear narrative structure showing the aftermath following a break-up.

3. Ticket to Paradise (2022)

movies about broken marriages
10 Riveting Movies About Broken Marriages: How Love Crumbles Over Time

This isn’t one of the typical movies about broken marriages but a story about a man and his ex-wife who try to ruin their daughter’s upcoming wedding in Bali.

This couple has been divorced for a long time and always bicker but finally reach to an agreement to stop fighting — and rediscover their common ground.

4. Eyes Wide Shut (1999)

movies about broken marriages
10 Riveting Movies About Broken Marriages: How Love Crumbles Over Time

In Stanley Kubrick’s final film Tom Cruise plays Dr Bill Harford who is married to Alice (Nicole Kidman).

The couple are sexually adventurous and this leads them into dark territory when they attend a secret society party where jealousy, desire, and trust become fragile in the face of temptation.

5. Marriage Story (2019)

movies about broken marriages
10 Riveting Movies About Broken Marriages: How Love Crumbles Over Time

Adam Driver, and Scarlett Johansson star in Noah Baumbach’s contemporary drama. This is one of the hard-hitting sad marriage movies about Charlie and Nicole going through divorce proceedings.

This forces them to confront their shared past together along with all the complexities of heartache in marriage.

6. Don’t Worry Darling (2022)

movies about broken marriages
10 Riveting Movies About Broken Marriages: How Love Crumbles Over Time

Alice and Jack’s perfect life in the idyllic town of Victory starts to unravel when she begins to ask herself questions about her environment.

This is one of the trending unhappy marriage movies that tells us about the strings of the couple’s dream eventually drawing her into a confrontation.

7. Blue Jasmine (2013)

movies about broken marriages
10 Riveting Movies About Broken Marriages: How Love Crumbles Over Time

One of the iconic movies about broken marriages starring Cate Blanchett as the delusional Jasmine French whose life falls apart after her husband Hal commits suicide.

It is about how her life unfolds following financial ruin caused by his fraudulent dealings on Wall Street during the 2008 global economic crisis which led many people into bankruptcy and homelessness.

8. Unfaithful (2002)

movies about broken marriages
10 Riveting Movies About Broken Marriages: How Love Crumbles Over Time

This is one of the movies about Broken Marriages, the film focuses on the responsibilities of marriage from a cheating perspective. Richard Gere plays Edward Sumner while Diane Lane takes up Connie Sumner and Paul Martel is played by Olivier Martinez.

The storyline looks at what happens when one partner cheats on another in a relationship that seems perfect. What comes out eventually is that faith, talk, and closeness are all important for any union to work between them emotionally.

9. Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)

movies about broken marriages
10 Riveting Movies About Broken Marriages: How Love Crumbles Over Time

The movie “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” is about Peter, who is trying to come to terms with the fact that his relationship with Sarah has ended. It shows how devastated he is after their failed marriage and how empty life can be without love.

10. Hope Springs (2012)

movies about broken marriages
10 Riveting Movies About Broken Marriages: How Love Crumbles Over Time

If you’re looking for sad marriage movies this touching comedy-drama tells the story of a couple in their fifties who decide to try marriage counseling.

Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones play the spouses who hope to breathe new life into their stale relationship. The film mixes humor with heartfelt moments as it shows how difficult it can be for long-term partners to rediscover intimacy and improve communication.

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These broken marriage movies portray how love fails and crumbles over time — they depict different feelings and actions involved in relationships.

From disappointment to cheating or separation, all of them make people think about the vulnerability and strength of love when confronted with challenges.

What do you feel about these movies about broken marriages? Tell us in the comments below!

movies about broken marriages
10 Riveting Movies About Broken Marriages: How Love Crumbles Over Time

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