What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Style: Find Your Personal Aesthetic Now


Your Style Based On Your Zodiac Sign: Fun Personal Styles

Fashion is not only about the clothes you put on, but the vibes you give out. If you are interested in which fashion trend or simply need some inspiration, then here’s your style based on your zodiac sign! We will map out which trend suits you the most.

Astrology can reveal a lot to you about yourself and using it as fashion inspiration can be a fun way to rejuvenate your wardrobe. It is believed by specialists that through the zodiac a person may know his chic and effortless dressing styles.

The world of beauty has grown and now there are a lot of styles on how to express one’s personality, mood and interests. From Fairy-core’s dreamy enchantment to Y2K’s nostalgic appeal, every soul has an aesthetic!

Find Your Style Based On Your Zodiac Sign
What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Style: Find Your Personal Aesthetic Now

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Find Your Style Based On Your Zodiac Sign

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19): Baddie Streetwear

your style based on your zodiac sign
What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Style: Find Your Personal Aesthetic Now

Aries, are you wondering what is your personal style is like? Well, you see fashion as a zone where you conquer with self-assurance.

With your fearlessness, shades, statement pieces, and unapologetic attitude, Baddie streetwear suits your character the most. Apparel like sneakers and oversized hoodies are what you wear when you walk the city streets. You always want to be admired and noticed.

Outfits: Oversized hoodies, ripped jeans, chunky sneakers.

Makeup: Bold lips, winged eyeliner.

Color Palette: Vibrant hues like red, black, and neon.

Where to Wear: Street parties, music festivals, urban adventures.

2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Old Money Elegance

your style based on your zodiac sign
What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Style: Find Your Personal Aesthetic Now

Do you want to find your personal style? You’re down-to-earth and sophisticated, you favor a classic refinement.

Your fashion sense is reminiscent of the old money, with suits that are well-fitted, silks that are luxurious, and underplayed accessories. From cashmere sweaters to silk scarves, you radiate affluence at all times.

Outfits: Tailored blazers, silk blouses, cashmere sweaters.

Makeup: Subtle yet glamorous.

Color Palette: Earth tones like beige, taupe and chocolate brown.

Where to Wear: Country clubs, upscale dinners, art galleries.

3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Y2K Aesthetic

your style based on your zodiac sign
What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Style: Find Your Personal Aesthetic Now

Changeable in nature and eclectic in taste, nostalgia for the early 2000’s is your thing. The y2k look embodies your playful manner with its offbeat designs, bright colors and futuristic features.

Be it low-rise jeans or jeweled accessories you always infuse a modern touch into the undone retro vibes.

Outfits: Graphic tees, cargo pants, platform sneakers.

Makeup: Glowing eyes with glossy lips

Color Palette: Pastels metallics bold neons.

Where to Wear: Retro parties brunching out with friends music concerts

4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Coquette Aesthetic

your style based on your zodiac sign
What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Style: Find Your Personal Aesthetic Now

Being tender-hearted and idealistic even whimsical coquette aesthetic allows you to get lost in it too easily.

This fashion captures your dreams through soft materials such gentle fabrics as well as vintage inspired clothes. Nostalgia is what one sees when looking at every outfit from floral dress to lace top chosen by you for this purpose.

Outfits: Flowy dresses, lace tops ballet flats.

Makeup: Soft blush on rosy lips

Color Palette: Soft pastels muted florals ivory.

Where to Wear: Picnics in the park afternoon tea botanical gardens.

5. Leo (July 23 – August 22): Casual Comfort

your style based on your zodiac sign
What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Style: Find Your Personal Aesthetic Now

Outgoing and charming, you are trendy in even your most basic appearances. For a cool casual style that is comfortable on your skin but still looks chic casual comfort is what you choose. Oversized sweaters to athleisure separates make you feel comfortable while looking fashionable.

Outfits: Joggers, oversized hoodies, sneakers.

Makeup: Fresh-faced with a hint of glow.

Color Palette: Rich colors like golden, royal blue and crimson

Where to Wear: Coffee dates, weekend getaways cozy movie nights

6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Goth Style

your style based on your zodiac sign
What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Style: Find Your Personal Aesthetic Now

Shadowy and puzzling, the gothic aesthetic has an appeal for you. If you’re drawn to goth style, it often reflects a fascination with the darker, more mysterious aspects of life.

If you find your personal style, astrology shows off the depth within you through dark colors; edgy accessories; and intricate details. The darkness comes with a touch of elegance as seen in velvet dresses and lace-up boots.

Outfits: Leather jackets lace dresses combat boots .

Color Palette: Black burgundy deep purple .

Makeup: Smokey eyes deep lipstick shades.

Where to Wear: Art exhibitions underground clubs haunted houses

7. Libra (September 23 – October 22): Dark Academia Aesthetic

your style based on your zodiac sign
What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Style: Find Your Personal Aesthetic Now

As a Libra, you may find Dark Academia really appealing. It is all about immersing oneself in literature, art, and history. You are drawn to Gothic architecture because it carries with it untold stories the ancient feeling reminiscent old libraries that were once filled with scholars.

The macabre intrigues you so much so that you may want to add skull prints or vintage elements to your clothing items

Outfits: Tailored blazers, pleated skirts, turtleneck sweaters.

Makeup: Neutral earth tones with emphasis on eyes.

Color Palette: Deep navy blue, wine red, olive green.

Where to Wear: Literature festivals, Art exhibitions and old-fashioned coffee shops.

8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): Skater Aesthetic

your style based on your zodiac sign
What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Style: Find Your Personal Aesthetic Now

Wondering what is your personal style like? The skater aesthetic thrives in your blood stream as you live life intensely and dangerously.

This fashion speaks volumes about how rebellious you could be with its laid-back styles, edgy prints, and practical designs. Cool confidence is thus exuded by you wearing anything from graphic tees to baggy jeans both on or off the board.

Outfits: Graphic tees, baggy jeans, skate shoes.

Makeup: Natural looking makeup combined with edge.

Color Palette: Worn-out hues like charcoal grey; army green; denim blue jean colors; beaten up black tops

Where to Wear: Skate parks/ street festival/ underground gigs among others….

9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Clutter-core

your style based on your zodiac sign
What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Style: Find Your Personal Aesthetic Now

As a Libra, your style based on your zodiac sign is Cluttercore, which means you like the comfy look of places filled with lots of stuff. You revel in a mess and fancy being enclosed by things that have meaning or bring happiness even if they don’t make sense according to how design works.

This style demonstrates your non-conformist nature through different designs and materials used in making clothes that are randomly combined.

Outfits: Patchwork skirts, vintage band tees, eclectic jewelry.

Makeup: Playful and experimental.

Color Palette: Eclectic mix of vibrant hues and bold prints.

Where to Wear: Flea markets, indie concerts, DIY art spaces.

10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): Quiet Luxury

your style based on your zodiac sign
What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Style: Find Your Personal Aesthetic Now

Capricorn, what is your personal style like? Quiet luxury is the opposite of making a statement and instead entails the appreciation of subtle details in quality and sophistication, it means finding peace in things that are not overly done.

Your elegance perfectly symbolizes by this timeless dressing which has neutral colors and high-end materials.

Outfits: Tailored suits, cashmere coats, silk blouses.

Makeup: Minimalist with a focus on flawless skin.

Color Palette: Neutral tones like beige, camel, and ivory.

Where to Wear: Business meetings, upscale dinners, art galleries.

11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): Vintage Style

your style based on your zodiac sign
What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Style: Find Your Personal Aesthetic Now

You are weird and uncommon when it comes down to fashion inspired by old times. This is how nostalgic this type of style is for you which has never been hindered by age.

By putting on retro clothes such as vintage dresses and tees from old bands one makes every outfit look historic in some way or another (McNamara).

Outfits: Vintage dresses, retro blouses, quirky accessories.

Makeup: Retro-inspired with a modern twist.

Color Palette: Retro hues like mustard yellow, olive green, and rust.

Where to Wear: Vintage markets/ thrift stores/ art shows among others….

12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Coastal Cowgirl Vibes

your style based on your zodiac sign
What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Style: Find Your Personal Aesthetic Now

Being full of romance and fantasy, your appearance reflects a peaceful mood of the ocean coast under the coastal cowgirl style.

The fantastic style with its casual fabrics, natural colors and boho decorations is an embodiment of your love for wilds. Flowy dresses, denim shorts and cowboy shoes will make you feel like an adventurous spirit longing to be free.

Outfits: Flowy dresses, denim shorts, cowboy boots.

Makeup: Fresh and dewy with a hint of shimmer.

Color Palette: Delicate blues, beige tones and sea foam green.

Where to Wear: Beach fires, music concerts, road trips along the coast.

Related: 8 Celeb Couples That Are Zodiac Mismatches, Yet Perfect Together

The style you wear is a reflection of who you are. Our zodiac signs can help us understand our personal style. Fashion and horoscope go hand in hand, the former being the best way to express oneself through dressing.

So what’s your style based on your zodiac sign? Share in the comments below!

your style based on your zodiac sign
What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Style: Find Your Personal Aesthetic Now

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