Rediscovering the Wild Within: The Tarzan Movement’s Path to Inner Fulfillment



tarzan movement

Ever felt the itch to escape the daily grind, ditch the nine-to-five routine, and tap into your primal instincts? Well, you’re in for a wild ride as we dive deep into the world of the Tarzan Movement – a phenomenon that’s redefining how we find inner peace in the modern age.

Who Started The Tarzan Movement?

Victor Manuel Fleites, the 33-year-old founder of the “Tarzan Movement,” reminisces about his childhood in Cuba, where he would frequently escape from his family home to the nearby forest. Nature, for him, was a source of solace and healing, as he felt a profound disconnection from mainstream society.

Fleites would construct personal obstacle courses from the branches of towering trees and befriend the creatures that inhabited the environment, essentially assuming the role of Tarzan. This unconventional approach to finding inner peace challenges the notion that yoga is the ultimate path to enlightenment.

An emerging trend known as the “Tarzan Movement” suggests that an increasing number of individuals are seeking respite from the challenges of modern living by reconnecting with their primal instincts, effectively living like chimpanzees.

Advocates of this movement engage in activities such as walking on all fours, tree climbing, mimicking chimpanzee vocalizations, and wholeheartedly embracing their inner primates.

Victor Manuel Fleites, the visionary behind this movement, actively promotes his unique form of “King Kong cosplay” by offering classes, typically priced at around $12, that focus on climbing and movement in natural forest settings across Europe and other regions.

He encourages his followers to emulate the physicality and behaviors of monkeys, fostering a deeper connection with nature.

One of the movement’s proponents, Charlie Holt, believes that modern society is grappling with a crisis of meaning and disconnection from those around us.

In the daily grind of a nine-to-five routine, he notes a sense of profound emptiness and a dearth of mystery, given that information is readily available at the touch of a button.

Holt has found fulfillment and tranquility by immersing himself in the great outdoors and mimicking the movements of our primate ancestors. This primal practice has brought a sense of purpose and peace to his life.

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