60+ Memorable Sylvia Plath Quotes That Express Our Deepest Emotions


Memorable Sylvia Plath Quotes

The human mind is an extremely complex phenomenon. Even during a single waking hour, our mind goes through a lot of emotions that we ‘feel’. Among the many people who have been blessed with the gift of manifesting these ‘feelings’ into words, we have Sylvia Plath, a true poet of the 20th century whose quotes and writings are still as relevant as ever.

Poets such as Sylvia Plath are a gem in a generation, considering how many lives her poetry and quotes have impacted for the better. Her witty and insightful words of wisdom are bound to leave a lasting affect on your mind and help you understand your emotions to a greater extent.

As you read these memorable quotes by the great poet Sylvia Plath, make sure to let the words sink in deep enough for you to soak in these words of assurance and pain, pride and power.

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Here are 60+ Memorable Sylvia Plath Quotes That Express Our Deepest Emotions:

1. โ€œIf you expect nothing from somebody you are never disappointed.โ€

60+ Memorable Sylvia Plath Quotes That Express Our Deepest Emotions

2. โ€œI want to be important. By being different. And these girls are all the same.โ€

3. โ€œAnd by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.โ€

4. โ€œKiss me, and you will see how important I am.โ€

5. โ€œI felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of sceneryโ€”air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, “This is what it is to be happy.โ€

6. โ€œI have the choice of being constantly active and happy or introspectively passive and sad. Or I can go mad by ricocheting in between.โ€

7. โ€œPerhaps when we find ourselves wanting everything, it is because we are dangerously close to wanting nothing.โ€

8. โ€œThe silence depressed me. It wasn’t the silence of silence. It was my own silence.โ€

9. โ€œAnd when at last you find someone to whom you feel you can pour out your soul, you stop in shock at the words you utterโ€” they are so rusty, so ugly, so meaningless and feeble from being kept in the small cramped dark inside you so long.โ€

10. โ€œI thought the most beautiful thing in the world must be shadow.โ€

I thought the most beautiful
60+ Memorable Sylvia Plath Quotes That Express Our Deepest Emotions

11. โ€œI didnโ€™t want any flowers, I only wanted to lie with my hands turned up and be utterly empty. How free it is, you have no idea how free.โ€

12. โ€œIf neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then I’m neurotic as hell. I’ll be flying back and forth between one mutually exclusive thing and another for the rest of my days.โ€

13. โ€œRemember, remember, this is now, and now, and now. Live it, feel it, cling to it. I want to become acutely aware of all Iโ€™ve taken for granted.โ€

14. โ€œIs there no way out of the mind?โ€

15. โ€œI desire the things that will destroy me in the end.โ€

Sylvia Plath Quotes
60+ Memorable Sylvia Plath Quotes That Express Our Deepest Emotions

16. โ€œCan you understand? Someone, somewhere, can you understand me a little, love me a little? For all my despair, for all my ideals, for all that – I love life. But it is hard, and I have so much – so very much to learn.โ€

17. โ€œIf the moon smiled, she would resemble you. You leave the same impression of something beautiful, but annihilating.โ€

18. โ€œI like people too much or not at all. I’ve got to go down deep, to fall into people, to really know them.โ€

19. โ€œWe should meet in another life, we should meet in air, me and you.โ€

20. โ€œWhy canโ€™t I try on different lives, like dresses, to see which one fits best?โ€

Sylvia Plath Quotes
60+ Memorable Sylvia Plath Quotes That Express Our Deepest Emotions

21. โ€œThe trouble was, I had been inadequate all along, I simply hadn’t thought about it.โ€

22. โ€œThere is nothing like puking with somebody to make you into old friends.โ€

23. โ€œI felt very still and empty, the way the eye of a tornado must feel, moving dully along in the middle of the surrounding hullabaloo.โ€

24. โ€œHow we need another soul to cling to.โ€

25. โ€œThe floor seemed wonderfully solid. It was comforting to know I had fallen and could fall no further.โ€

Sylvia Plath Quotes
60+ Memorable Sylvia Plath Quotes That Express Our Deepest Emotions

26. โ€œI am still so naรฏve; I know pretty much what I like and dislike; but please, donโ€™t ask me who I am. A passionate, fragmentary girl, maybe?โ€

27. โ€œI have never found anybody who could stand to accept the daily demonstrative love I feel in me, and give back as good as I give.โ€

28. โ€œHow we need another soul to cling to, another body to keep us warm. To rest and trust; to give your soul in confidence: I need this, I need someone to pour myself into.โ€

29. โ€œI was supposed to be having the time of my life.โ€

30. โ€œI like people too much,or not at all.โ€

i like people too much
60+ Memorable Sylvia Plath Quotes That Express Our Deepest Emotions

31. โ€œI wonder why I don’t go to bed and go to sleep. But then it would be tomorrow, so I decide that no matter how tired, no matter how incoherent I am, I can skip on hour more of sleep and live.โ€

32. โ€œBut when it came right down to it, the skin of my wrist looked so white and defensless that I couldn’t do it. It was as if what I wanted to kill wasn’t in that skin or the thin blue pulse that jumped under my thumb, but somewhere else, deeper, more secret, and a whole lot harder to get.โ€

33. โ€œI didn’t know why I was going to cry, but I knew that if anybody spoke to me or looked at me too closely the tears would fly out of my eyes and the sobs would fly out of the throat and I’d cry for a week.โ€

34. โ€œLife has been some combination of fairy-tale coincidence and joie de vivre and shocks of beauty together with some hurtful self-questioning.โ€

35. โ€œThe worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.โ€

36. โ€œI write only because there is a voice within me that will not be stillโ€

37. โ€œAnd the danger is that in this move toward new horizons and far directions, that I may lose what I have now, and not find anything except loneliness.โ€

38. โ€œThere must be quite a few things that a hot bath won’t cure, but I don’t know many of them.โ€

39. โ€œLiving with him is like being told a perpetual story: his mind is the biggest, most imaginative I have ever met. I could live in its growing countries forever.โ€

40. “I can never read all the books I want;I can never be all the people I want and live all the lives I want. I can never train myself in all the skills I want. And why do I want? I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physical experience possible in my life. And I am horribly limited.”

i can never read all the books i want
60+ Memorable Sylvia Plath Quotes That Express Our Deepest Emotions

41. โ€œI told him I believed in hell, and that certain people, like me, had to live in hell before they died, to make up for missing out on it after death, since they didn’t believe in life after death, and what each person believed happened to him when he died.โ€

42. โ€œI lean to you, numb as a fossil. Tell me I’m here.โ€

43. โ€œDeath must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above oneโ€™s head, and listen to silence. To have no yesterday, and no tomorrow. To forget time, to forgive life, to be at peace.โ€

44. โ€œWhat horrifies me most is the idea of being useless: well-educated, brilliantly promising, and fading out into an indifferent middle age.โ€

45. โ€œYes, there is joy, fulfillment, and companionship, but the loneliness of the soul in its appalling self-consciousness is horrible and overpowering.โ€

60+ Memorable Sylvia Plath Quotes That Express Our Deepest Emotions

46. โ€œI think I made you up inside my head.โ€

47. โ€œI am terrified by this dark thing that sleeps in me.โ€

48. โ€œHow frail the human heart must beโ€•a mirrored pool of thought.โ€

49. โ€œIf they substituted the word ‘Lust’ for ‘Love’ in the popular songs it would come nearer the truth.โ€

50. “Please donโ€™t expect me to always be good and kind and loving. There are times when I will be cold and thoughtless and hard to understand.”

Please Don't Expect me To Always Be Good And kind And Loving
60+ Memorable Sylvia Plath Quotes That Express Our Deepest Emotions

51. โ€œSo much working, reading, thinking, living to do! A lifetime is not long enough.โ€

52. โ€œI began to think vodka was my drink at last. It didnโ€™t taste like anything, but it went straight down into my stomach like a sword swallowersโ€™ sword and made me feel powerful and godlike.โ€

53. โ€œIf I didn’t think, I’d be much happier; if I didn’t have any sex organs, I wouldn’t waver on the brink of nervous emotion and tears all the time. โ€

54. โ€œThere I went again, building up a glamorous picture of a man who would love me passionately the minute he met me, and all out of a few prosy nothings.โ€

55. โ€œSo many people are shut up tight inside themselves like boxes, yet they would open up, unfolding quite wonderfully, if only you were interested in them.”

So many people are shut up tight inside themselves like boxes
60+ Memorable Sylvia Plath Quotes That Express Our Deepest Emotions

56. โ€œSo I began to think maybe it was true that when you were married and had children it was like being brainwashed, and afterward you went about as numb as a slave in a totalitarian state.โ€

57. โ€œEver since I was small I loved feeling somebody comb my hair. It made me go all sleepy and peaceful.โ€

58. โ€œThe trouble about jumping was that if you didn’t pick the right number of storeys, you might still be alive when you hit bottom.โ€

59. โ€œI wanted to be where nobody I knew could ever come.โ€

60. โ€œI took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. I am, I am, I am.โ€

I Took A Deep Breath
60+ Memorable Sylvia Plath Quotes That Express Our Deepest Emotions

61. โ€œIs anyone anywhere happy?โ€

62. โ€œHow can you be so many women to so many strange people, oh you strange girl?โ€

63. โ€œI love my rejection slips. They show me I try.โ€

64. โ€œIt seemed silly to wash one day when I would only have to wash again the next. It made me tired just to think of it.โ€

65. โ€œYes, I was infatuated with you: I am still. No one has ever heightened such a keen capacity of physical sensation in me. I cut you out because I couldn’t stand being a passing fancy. Before I give my body, I must give my thoughts, my mind, my dreams. And you weren’t having any of those.โ€

Yes, I Was Infatuated With You I Am Still
60+ Memorable Sylvia Plath Quotes That Express Our Deepest Emotions

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60+ Memorable Sylvia Plath Quotes That Express Our Deepest Emotions

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