The Good and Bad of Loving A Pisces (7 Brutal Truths)


Good and Bad of Loving A Pisces (7 Brutal Truths)

When it comes to loving a Pisces, one thing is for sure – you are one of the lucky ones!

Pisces women are fiercely intuitive and naturally sexy creatures. With water in our nature (we’re the fish sign, remember?), we have fluid creativity that breeds compassion and acceptanceโ€”the makings of a perfect partner, right? Right. Well, except for a few annoying tendencies.

Here are seven brutal truths about loving a sexy Pisces (that might sound eerily familiar to you if you’re a Pisces yourselfโ€”or even better if you’re in love with one):

1. She’s intuitive and trusts her gut more than anything.

Don’t you DARE try to lie to a Pisces because she will call you on it. How does she know you’re lying? ‘Cause she just feels it in her gut, d*mn it! My gut even saved my life once when I was a kid. I had a bad feeling about getting in the car with my Grandma, and without knowing why, I had a meltdown in the office parking lot, convincing my mom to let her stay with her instead. She did. Less than five minutes later, the passenger side of my grandma’s car was wrapped around a pole.

Moral of the story: Don’t doubt the Pisces intuition, y’all!

2. She’s very emotional.

Really, though. Her eyes constantly glistening, ready for waterworks. (However, that also means she’s an empathetic crier.) In all honesty, it’s a bit of an annoying illness. I start crying as soon as anyone near me starts to. Even if I hate you, I’ll cry with you.

Related: Pisces: Women With This Zodiac Sign Are The Most Extra-Ordinary

3. She has a lazy streak.

It’s in her nature to stay in bed past noon on the weekends daydreaming. There’s nothing she loves more than a night on the couch with a bowl of pasta and a Netflix binge. It’s better than any club.

4. She’s extremely nurturing. 

Like, almost too much. But it’s just because she wants to take care of you. I feel like I play “21 Questions” with my boyfriend every day. Do you have your keys? Phone? Wallet? Did you eat today? What do you want for dinner? I can’t help it. I’m a nurturer. (And yes, I annoy myself, too.)

Related: 10 Reasons Why Pisces Women Are The Best Women To Love

5. She’s not afraid to walk away if you don’t treat her right. 

The Pisces girl isn’t interested in negativity and she’s certainly not afraid to walk away from a toxic relationship or friendship.

I’ve never been able to understand how other people simply stay in drama-filled situations with partners or friends who constantly betray them or don’t treat them with respect. Not the Pisces sexy chickโ€”we’ll gladly peace the eff out. Alternatively, if we stay? It’s the *ultimate* sign that we love you.

6. She’s her own worst enemy.

Self-pity gets the best of her sometimes. You might find your Pisces sitting alone in a dark room wallowing in what could’ve been or should’ve been or regretting what she said or wishing she could’ve done better. She’s her biggest critic, which means you might just need to remind her how great she is.

We try to be mindful of our moments of self-pity, but sometimes we just need to turn off the lights and rock out to Alanis Morissette, you (oughta) know?

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Pisces, The Gentle Water Sign

7. She has a tendency to get lost in her own creative thoughts.

The result? She looks a little unapproachable. Wow, I thought you were such a b*tch before I actually started talking to you. People love to tell me that, but I swear, it isn’t trueโ€”we may look off-putting but we’re actually very kind and sweet if you can look past the sometimes-dark exterior.

Lovingly lure your Pisces out of her imagination, though, and all eyes will be on you! (See #4.)

Written by Macy Daniela Martin
This article has been republished from, Click here to view the original one

If you are in love with a Pisces, then you would know what an amazing feeling it is to be with them. They are always so loving, nurturing, and romantic. Pisces people truly should be cherished, and protected at all costs.

7 Brutal Truths About Loving A Pisces (As Written By A Pisces)
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Good and Bad of Loving A Pisces (7 Brutal Truths) Pin
The Good And Bad Of Loving A Pisces (7 Brutal Truths)

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  1. Lunatic 22 Avatar
    Lunatic 22

    2/22.. I cannot deny anything she said…but since I do have to exist on this earth and not only within my thoughts or fantasies, I’ve found that having my music on at all times helps to cope and endure the stuff that we might not necessarily enjoy…but as long as I have my soundtrack going at a pretty decent level…I’m extremely content and all’s well in the universe!

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