The Symbolism of the Lotus Flower

The Symbolism of the Lotus Flower

When you’re shopping for jewelry, you want to choose a design that has a meaning behind it. Almost every shape represents a deeper meaning. A lotus ring is one piece of jewelry that is a great gift for any occasion. This feminine flower is a deeply spiritual symbol in several cultures, particularly in the East.

We’re deep diving into the symbolism of the lotus flower and why it’s one flower you’ll often see incorporated into jewelry and fashion.  

What is a lotus flower?

The lotus flower dates to ancient Egypt and has been linked for hundreds of years to rebirth and spirituality. The flower was originally called ‘Seshen’ and associated with the Egyptian sun god, Ra. 

You can recognize a lotus flower by its pink and white hues with the flower’s leaves floating along the surface. While some are planted in the ground, most lotus flowers can be found growing in wild rivers and ponds. 

Its intricate silhouette and symbolism are two reasons why the lotus flower is one of the most popular sources of inspiration for fashion designs, jewelry, and even tattoos. 

What the lotus flower represented in ancient cultures

There are dozens of different interpretations of what the lotus flower represents. Its symbolism depends on the culture or period that you’re looking at. Most are interlinked with the theme of new beginnings, purity, and rebirth.

In Ancient Egypt, the lotus flower was a symbol of strength and regeneration. Women typically wore a lotus flower to represent Heqet, the fertility goddess. The ancient Greeks took a slightly different interpretation of the lotus flower, relating it to modesty and innocence. 

What the lotus flower represents today

Throughout history, the lotus flower has continued to be seen as a symbol of enlightenment, resurrection, and femininity. 

Most people choose to see the lotus flower as a symbol of spiritual enlightenment. The lotus flower rises from the muddy waters, growing to face the sun. You could wear a lotus flower to symbolize overcoming adversity or the struggles of life.

A lotus flower is also the perfect symbol for an independent woman. It’s seen as a way of symbolizing detachment from the stress of everyday life to focus on important things like knowledge and relationships. The lotus flower is a reminder to stay true to yourself and who you are.

You’ll usually see the lotus flower used in art to symbolize womanhood. A lotus flower in bloom represents the maturing of a girl into a woman. As the center of a lotus flower remains untainted by the muddy waters, it’s seen as a representation of cleanliness and purity. 

If you’re searching for a piece of jewelry with a meaning behind it, a lotus flower represents every stage of life, you can easy find it or other good jewelry from StoryJewellery mother’s ring collection. It’s the perfect choice for a milestone birthday, graduation, or to mark an achievement. 

What do you think of the lotus flower? Is it a symbol would you wear in a piece of jewelry? Let us know in the comments below!

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