Sweetheart, Let Me Tell You Something

Sweetheart Let Me Tell You Something

Sweetheart, let me tell you something no teenager ever believes, but I guarantee you it’s the absolute truth. You fall in love more than once. It will happen again. It will be just as amazing and extraordinary as the first time and maybe just as painful. But it’ll happen again. I promise. But until then, be your own anchor.
– Melissa

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  1. Sophie Wiggins Avatar

    Unconditional love you feel or you feel not.
    It’s a state of being not depending on others.
    If you love unconditional you love everyone and everything on earth and the universe because you know all is one.
    So that doesn’t mean you love everyone the same.
    It just means that your love spectrum is at a spiritual level and you see yourself in almost everything you meet.
    Looking deep into someones eyes you see the universe and your reflection and that is what your surroundings are literally. A mirror.
    Love is energy and energy is everything…

    1. The Minds Journal Avatar
      The Minds Journal

      Nice !

    2. The Minds Journal Avatar
      The Minds Journal

      Wise Pick

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