When I Am Silent

When I am silent, I have thunder hidden inside.

– Rumi

The quote “When I am silent, 

I have thunder hidden inside” carries a powerful and metaphorical meaning. It suggests that behind the quiet and calm exterior of an individual lies a great intensity, strength, and potential.

This quote by Rumi implies that silence, rather than being a sign of weakness or passivity, can be a mask for profound power and energy. It suggests that within the depths of one’s being, there is a hidden force, represented by “thunder,” that is ready to be unleashed or expressed when the time is right.

By using the imagery of thunder, which is often associated with noise, power, and force, the quote conveys the idea that the individual possesses immense strength and vitality that might not be immediately apparent to others. It indicates that the true depth of one’s character and capabilities may be concealed beneath a quiet and unassuming demeanor.

Furthermore, the quote highlights the notion that silence can be a deliberate choice or strategy. It suggests that when one chooses to remain silent, it is not an indication of weakness or lack of opinion but rather a conscious decision to hold back their full potential or power until the right moment arises.

In a broader sense, the quote encourages individuals to recognize and embrace their inner strength and power, even if it is not always outwardly displayed. It reminds us that the quietest individuals can possess tremendous energy, resilience, and influence.

In summary, the meaning of the quote “When I am silent, I have thunder hidden inside” is that beneath a calm and silent exterior, there lies a reservoir of strength, power, and potential. It emphasizes the idea that silence does not equate to weakness but can be a deliberate choice to harness and control one’s inner force until the opportune moment. It serves as a reminder to recognize and embrace the hidden intensity and capabilities within oneself.

Read  70+ Inspiring Quotes By Rumi Thatโ€™ll Open Your Heart

Rumi Quotes, Being Me, just being me quotes, quotes about being me, simple being me quotes, when i am silent quotes, i am silent quotes, Jalal Ad-Din Rumi Quotes, best rumi quotes, jalal ud din rumi quotes

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  1. Amy Christine Dulmage Avatar

    So spot on!! To all of you with your well wishes. This cancer shall not win. I am strong, I am living my life with grace and gratitude and I will come out of all of this stronger and aware of how many true and deep relationships I have in my life.. XOXO

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