Wise Pick For 4 July

Wise Pick 4 July 22

Wise Pick 4 July1

Rinku Shah

When you think too much,
You canโ€™t enjoy life as such.

Wise Pick 4 July2

Ashish Verma

Donโ€™t let the heaviness
in your mind cease
you to be alive.

Wise Pick 4 July3

Sulekha Pande

Do not carry
the weight of the world
on your mind,
it will only kill your joys,
and push you behind.

Wise Pick 4 July4

Felicia Holmes

Happiness requires
no thought,
just living in the moment.

Wise Pick 4 July5

Malathi Ramshankar

Empty mind always
enjoy each moments
with chaos and celebrate it.
But wise people always
makes the small stuff
into complicated and
getting stressed.

Wise Pick 4 July6

Sherry Greene

Sometimes I think,
as I stand away from the crowd,
how I sometimes envy
those with simpler minds
and I yearn to join them.

Wise Pick 4 July7

Mary Kirkpatrick

Empty vessels,
flaunt naught in full sight,
while heavy thinkers,
ponder their plight.

Wise Pick 4 July8

Dr-Payal Basera

The problem is that
you have tendency
to overthink and over-analyse;
The reason that is keeping
you away from enjoying
the simplicity of life.

Wise Pick 4 July9

Bharti Mittal

Reason of my sadness,
heaviness of my mind.
It makes me low
when I see others in their glow.

Wise Pick 4 July10

Anabelle Avila Madronero

Clear your mind
from all the mess
and you will surely find

Wise Pick 4 July11

Disha Vidyarthi Jha

Be light headed
to your problems,
so that happiness
can make itโ€™s way.

Wise Pick 4 July12

Shana Pascoe

When your thoughts
outweigh your energy,
unload and let loose.

Wise Pick 4 July13

Tanya Chokhani

Sometimes thoughts
overpower us;
comes in the way
of happiness thus.

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