Mind Over Met Gala: Analyzing the Intersection of Fashion and Mental Health in 2024

Mind Over Met Gala

The most confidential information about the 2024 Met Gala, which will take place on the first Monday in May, is now known. A total of 250 objects, many of which have never been seen in public before, will be on display in the Costume Institute’s “Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion” exhibition at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in 2024. Before the much-awaited event, Vogue is compiling all of the information we currently know.

What theme will the 2024 Met Gala have?

The official dress code for the 2024 Met Gala is “The Garden of Time,” in honour of the Costume Institute’s upcoming exhibition, “Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion.” About 250 rare objects from the Costume Institute’s permanent collection will be on display. The designs, which span more than 400 years of fashion history, will feature creations by Schiaparelli, Givenchy, Dior, and other designers. Additionally, there will be displays of clothing that are too delicate to ever be worn again, like an 1877 ball gown designed by Charles Frederick Worth, through the use of light projection, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, and other sensory stimulation techniques.

While MetGala shines bright with the best designers adorning celebrities from all over the world, the effects it can have on mental health on both celebrities and common individuals are less discussed, In this article I shed light on the overwhelming impact of high-end fashion and how fashion can influence mental health.

Investigating how fashion and mental health are interconnected.

Fashion and mental health are intertwined, as the way we dress can impact our mental well-being and self-esteem, while our mental health can also influence our fashion choices. People with mental health conditions often focus on their appearance as a coping mechanism, leading to negative effects on their mental well-being. Expressing oneself through fashion can boost self-esteem and confidence, but pressure to conform to societal beauty standards can lead to body image issues. Mental health can affect motivation and energy levels, impacting fashion choices. Innovative products, like clothing with magnetic fastenings, play a role in the relationship between fashion and mental well-being.

Research indicates that the clothes individuals wear can impact their mindset, emotional state, self-assurance, and behavior. Therefore, as a fashion designer, you have the potential to boost someone’s confidence. Duje Kodzoman discusses in a psychological paper how people choose clothes based on the meaning they believe the clothes convey. He also explores the idea that clothing is an extension of one’s physical identity. The intersection of the Psychology of Fashion and Marketing allows for manipulation of customer reactions and purchase patterns through design strategies to influence brand preference. Using a scientific and psychological perspective in the fashion industry can help to analyze human behavior within the context of fashion. Despite its creative and glamorous nature, the field of fashion still faces challenges that can be better understood and addressed through psychology.

Our choice of clothing can affect how people see us, and the Spotlight Effect is a tendency to think that others are paying more attention to us than they actually are. This stems from our natural tendency to focus on ourselves and overestimate how much others notice and remember about us. This bias can impact how we interact with others and how we see ourselves, causing increased self-awareness and potential social anxiety. It is rooted in how we process information, prioritizing our own presence in a situation without realizing that others are likely more focused on themselves.

How can different styles of fashion affect mental health?

Fashion is a widely consumed form of expression that can be used as a tool to address mental health concerns, despite its sometimes superficial appearance. Fashion has the potential to address mental health issues by allowing people to express themselves and connect with others through their clothing. However, there is a lack of research on specific ways that fashion can help with mental health, although there is a belief that there is a connection between fashion and how we feel about ourselves. Fashion has been shown to have an impact on our mental well-being, as certain styles and colours can improve our mood.

This is partially because clothing is associated with specific roles. Additionally, following a consistent dressing routine has been found to help individuals avoid negative thoughts that can contribute to anxiety and depression. Fashion ultimately aims to sell clothing, and while the sincerity of its efforts to address mental health issues may be debatable, it is possible for the industry to both promote clothing sales and address important social issues. Solomon suggests that marketing campaigns promoting body positivity and self-expression in the fashion industry are ultimately aimed at selling clothing. However, he acknowledges that the industry is beginning to acknowledge that there are other consumer needs beyond using fashion as a symbol of status.

Couture and Cognitive Dissonance

The concept of “enclothed cognition” refers to how clothing can impact our mental state and performance. Wearing certain clothes, such as a lab coat or blazer, can boost productivity because of the associations they have with intelligence. This concept can have both positive and negative effects, depending on the symbolic meaning of the clothing.

For example, staying in sweatpants or pyjamas all day during the pandemic may have affected productivity due to the associations of laziness or leisure. On the other side of the spectrum is โ€œcognitive dissonance,โ€ a psychological phenomenon in which an action that deviates from our values or beliefs results in a conflict that causes mental discomfort. To reduce discomfort, we either convince ourselves that we want to perform the action or change the action so that it is consistent with our beliefs. This phenomenon occurs daily as people change their clothes or purge their wardrobe of items that do not align with their self-confidence or the sense of self they are trying to embody. The colours we choose to wear can affect our mood.

Bright colours can increase energy, while darker colours create a relaxed feel.

Yellow and blue are particularly mood-boosting, as they evoke happiness and peacefulness. Wearing prints can also have a similar effect on mood.

Dressing in clothes that make us feel comfortable and confident can improve our ability to learn and understand. Our choice of clothing can reflect our aspirations and fears about our potential. Fashion is not just about how we feel, but also how others perceive us. Our clothing is a form of self-expression that can convey a range of emotions and aspects of our personality. It is exciting to realize the power that our attire has in communicating confidence, creativity, rebellion, and professionalism. Our outfits serve as a way to communicate without words and can provide insight into who we are as individuals.

The way we dress can influence others’ perceptions of us, and the Spotlight Effect is a tendency to believe that people are paying more attention to us than they actually are. This stems from our inclination to focus on ourselves and overestimate how much others notice and remember about us. This bias can affect our interactions with others and our self-perception, leading to heightened self-consciousness and possibly social anxiety. It is rooted in our tendency to prioritize our own presence in a situation without recognizing that others are likely more focused on themselves.

Clothing has the power to influence our thoughts and emotions in various ways. For example, wearing certain types of clothing can make us feel more empowered, creative, or motivated. Different styles and colors of clothing can also affect our mood and energy levels. Ultimately, dressing in a way that makes us feel good can boost our confidence and overall wellbeing.

The blending of traditional Indian culture with modern trends creates a vibrant and joyful urban tapestry. Our clothing choices can express our cultural heritage, personal preferences, and future goals. A diverse wardrobe can showcase a range of life experiences, from traditional attire at special events to incorporating international fashion trends in everyday wear. This blend of styles reveals the complex narrative communicated through clothing, demonstrating the harmonious coexistence of tradition and modernity.

Fashion is a commonly disregarded method of supporting mental health. It can provide a sense of anticipation and aid in fighting against depression. Difficulty with self-care, like neglecting personal hygiene and appearance, is a common symptom of depression. Taking the time to get dressed each morning may seem insignificant, but it can be a beneficial practice in combating depressive tendencies and promoting mindfulness. Coming up with an outfit allows individuals to express their creativity, boost their mood, and feel more confident in their own body. It involves making choices about how to dress, finding items that make one feel good, and using coordination and style to convey a personal story and identity.


Clothing allows us to express ourselves in ways that words cannot, showcasing a vibrant and humorous personality that may not be immediately apparent due to reserved natures. Ultimately, fashion is empowering and allows us to shape how others perceive us. Clothing plays a role in expressing our sense of belonging to different social or aesthetic groups. Our choice of clothing can influence how others perceive and interact with us, serving as a way to connect with like-minded individuals or distinguish ourselves from certain groups. Essentially, our clothing can act as a subtle reflection of our personality and help us navigate social interactions.

Although there are already known advantages of fashion, there is still a need for further investigation into the specific psychological and mental health benefits it can provide. In the meantime, it is recommended to wear clothing that truly reflects your identity and makes you feel like yourself. Whether it is a quirky thrift store find or a slightly unfashionable sweater, embrace what excites you and makes you feel grounded. The outcome might be unexpectedly positive.

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