What Your Birth Time Says About You

What Your Birth Time Says About You

What Your Birth Time Says About You

What Your Birth Time Says About You

Midnight 12:00 to 02:00 am:
Wise, family-oriented, easily influenced, will be famous, self-made success

02:00 am to 04:00 am:
Good with words, will be rich eventually, adventurous, one with nature

04:00 am to 06:00 am:
Great personality, leader, stubborn at times, honest, loves challenges

06:00 am to 08:00 am:
Mysterious, dominant, seeks to be in charge, temperamental at times

08:00 am to 10:00 am:
Philosopher, peaceful, empathic, friendly, healer of people, feels best when traveling

10:00 am to 12:00 noon:
Outgoing, optimistic, disciplined, sensitive, leader, will do well financially

12:00 noon to 02:00 pm:
Energetic, ambitious, prosperous, loves travel, teacher, gets better with age

02:00 pm to 04:00 pm:
Curious, spontaneous, adventurous, loves quality, conqueror, loved by people

04:00 pm to 06:00 pm:
Loving, sensitive, caring, introverted, protective, nurturing, good teacher, learns from life

06:00 pm to 08:00 pm:
Easy-going, sympathetic, empath, selfless in nature, understanding, great leader

08:00 pm to 10:00 pm:
Confident, self-reliant, perfectionist, creative, helpful, likely to become wealthy

10:00 pm to 12:00 midnight:
Futurist, joyful, ambitious, prosperous

Zodiac Signs Quotes, Zodiac Personality Quotes, Zodiac Memes Quotes, Zodiac Traits Quotes, Aries Traits Quotes, Taurus Traits Quotes, Gemini Traits Quotes, Cancer Traits Quotes, Leo Traits Quotes, Virgo Traits Quotes, Libra Traits Quotes, Scorpio Traits Quotes, Sagittarius Traits Quotes, Capricorn Traits Quotes, Aquarius Traits Quotes, Pisces Traits Quotes.

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Where The Zodiac Signs Feel Like Outsiders

Where The Zodiac Signs Feel Like Outsiders

Where The Zodiac Signs Feel Like Outsiders

Feels like an outsider among

ARIES: People having a conversation using their inside voices

TAURUS: The crowds rushing past them on the sidewalk while they stroll and take in their surroundings

GEMINI: People who don’t have a favorite philosophical movement

CANCER: Their peers who prefer dating apps to real-life connections

LEO: High school classmates who chose to stay in their hometown instead of moving to the big city and becoming the main character

VIRGO: People

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What Does Each Zodiac Sign Like You For?

What Does Each Zodiac Sign Like You For

What Does Each Zodiac Sign Like You For?

Likes you for your

ARIES: Bad habits

TAURUS: Aesthetic

GEMINI: Chaotic side

CANCER: Flaws they think they can fix

LEO: Reputation

VIRGO: Emotional maturity

LIBRA: Fantasy self that lives inside their head

SCORPIO: Similarities

SAGITTARIUS: Secret knowledge

CAPRICORN: Stability



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Zodiac Signs And What Makes Them Seethe

Zodiac Signs And What Makes Them Seethe

Zodiac Signs And What Makes Them Seethe

What makes you seethe

ARIES: Having things you already understand explained to you

TAURUS: Public restrooms with no hand dryer or paper towels

GEMINI: Listening to podcast hosts try to remember the name of something and not being able to chime in even though you know

CANCER: People who choose to be unkind to others

LEO: Watching your friends settle for less than they deserve

VIRGO: Seeing people get rewarded for breaking the rules


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Zodiac Signs And The Lies They Tell Themselves

Zodiac Signs And The Lies They Tell Themselves

Zodiac Signs And The Lies They Tell Themselves

Lies they tell themselves

ARIES: “I don’t need anyone”

TAURUS: “I’ll do it tomorrow”

GEMINI: “I meant it as a joke”

CANCER: “Things were better the way they used to be”

LEO: “They’re just jealous”

VIRGO: “If they don’t check every single box, then they’re not worth my time”

LIBRA: “If they don’t respond in ten minutes, then they’ve forgotten about me”

SCORPIO: “I didn’t care anyway”

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What The Zodiac Signs Don’t Want To Hear About From You

Zodiac Signs Don't Want To Hear

What The Zodiac Signs Don’t Want To Hear About From You

Doesn’t want to hear your

ARIES: Overdue apology

TAURUS: Whining about the same thing again

GEMINI: Poignant silence

CANCER: Ex’s name

LEO: Play-by-play recap of your day

VIRGO: Music playing out loud on the train

LIBRA: Empty promises

SCORPIO: Weak excuses

SAGITTARIUS: Secrets they can’t tell

CAPRICORN: Excessive praise

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Even More____ Than A Gemini

Even More____ Than A Gemini

Even More____ Than A Gemini

Even more than a Gemini

ARIES: Chaotic things they’ve done for the plot

TAURUS: Hills they’ll die on


CANCER: Hot and cold

LEO: Minutes spent dominating the conversation

VIRGO: Turned on by intellectual rivalry

LIBRA: Likely to steal your personality and your partner

SCORPIO: Burner accounts

SAGITTARIUS: Layers of irony on their dating app profile

CAPRICORN: Unread books on th

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Zodiac Signs And Their Experiments

Zodiac Signs And Their Experiments

Zodiac Signs And Their Experiments


ARIES: Timing whether it’s more efficient to run up the stairs on all fours

TAURUS: Fermenting random foods and seeing what happens

GEMINI: Monitoring how much their heart rate increases while texting different crushes

CANCER: Testing whether they sleep better with or without Lana Del Rey instrumentals playing

LEO: Doing elongation stretches to help them reach runway model height

VIRGO: Practicing dexterity by picking up things with their toes