This letter is to you

This letter is to you

This letter is to you.
The you thatโ€™s had a rough week. The you that seems to be under constant storm clouds. The you that feels invisible. The you that doesnโ€™t know how much longer you can hold on. The you that has lost faith. The you that always blames yourself for everything that goes wrong. To you.

You are incredible. You make this world a little bit more wonderful. You have so much potential and so many things left to do. You have time. Better things are coming your way, so please hang in there. ย You can do it.

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  1. Sarah Simmons Avatar

    Pauline Stahl Jackie Desmarais Swarthout Ami Robinson

    1. Sarah Simmons Avatar

      Ami Robinson I absolutely love working with you your laugh makes my days better thanks for being you!

    2. Ami Robinson Avatar

      Sarah Simmons thanks for making me laugh;)

    3. Pauline Stahl Avatar

      Good thing our mute button works so we can laugh all the time

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Everyone Is Breaking Up And I Fully Support It

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