Sometimes you need to burn bridges

Sometimes you need to burn bridges

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  1. Shin Kwon Avatar

    The Minds Journal
    do not burn bridges, for love is tha bridge to anything and everything – shin kwon

    1. Richard White Avatar

      burning bridges to me suggests someone is emotionally stunted. forgiveness is a virtue. however if someone is genuinely harming you it’s different

    2. Shin Kwon Avatar

      burning bridges out of love? i think not my good man

    3. Shin Kwon Avatar

      love does not burn bridges, it builds them – shin kwon

    4. Sandra Contreras Avatar

      This is why perspective is everything . You can look at any given situation from an emotional standpoint or from a logical one, either way you’re right. One can chose to sit and harvest negative feelings towards an emotional charged situation or let go-forgive and carry on with your life. Following your journey will more often than none require burning bridges and sticking with plan A, so that plan B never becomes an option.

    5. Sandra Contreras Avatar

      Who needs a bridge when the wave of life is awesome and has the potential to take you further than any bridge… ?

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