Zodiac Signs On Their Birthday…
On their birthday…
Aries: starts planning next year’s party the morning after this year’s
Taurus: organizes an elaborate, beautiful cocktail soirée but insists it’s for no particular occasion
Gemini: doesn’t know where to go for dinner because they’ve already lied about it being their birthday to get a free dessert at every restaurant in town
Cancer: hand-makes presents for all their friends to make them feel guilty for not doing more
Leo: went too hard celebrating their full birth week and is socially burnt out by their actual birthday
Virgo: is too worried nobody is having fun at their party to enjoy it
Libra: always ends up crying for some reason
Scorpio: is a little resentful that no one made a big deal about it (even though they claim not to care about birthdays)
Sagittarius: spends the $15 they owe you on rush shipping for their birthday outfit
Capricorn: takes time off work but then doesn’t know what to do with themselves all-day
Aquarius: only their closest friends find out it’s their birthday
Pisces: goes off the grid to avoid getting any attention
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