Archives: Quotes

  • It Wasn’t The Gift That Made Me Smile
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    It wasn’t the gift that made me smile, it was the proof you were thinking of me.

  • If You Could Write A Note To Your Younger Self
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    If you could write a note to your younger self, what would you say in only two words ?

  • I Need Solitude To Empty My Mind Of People….
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    I need Solitude to empty my mind of people then i need people to empty my mind of me.

  • When People Say They Have A Thing For Me.
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    When People Say They Have A Thing For Me

    Better options. Right?
    Hope I get what I want though 😉

  • Loneliness Doesn’t Come From Having No One Around
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    Loneliness doesn’t come from having anyone around you, but from being unable to communicate the things that are important to you.

  • If opportunity controls your loyalty
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    Loyalty will unite people. It’s what friends, marriages, sports fans, communities and even countries rely on to be great.

    According to wikipedia loyalty it’s said to be “faithfulness, devotion to a person, country, group or cause” but what’s faithful? To have complete trust or confidence in someone or something” So loyalty is about having complete trust in someone/cause you believe in, not because they have proved they are reliable but because you trust that they will be and if trust equals loyalty, then what’s trust? “A firm belief/ reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, of a person or thing.

    So ultimately, loyalty is the reliance on integrity, strength and the confident expectation (with hope) to someone or better yet on defined it as the “willingness to make an investment or personal sacrifice to strengthen a relationship. – Fred Reichheld”
    What is loyalty to you ?

  • Once You have been Mean to someone..
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    Truth is.. once you have been mean to someone they won’t believe the nice anymore.

  • Life is too Short to be angry with yourself for being Human
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    “Some days you just have to say ‘fuck it, I did what I could today and just let go of all the stuff you wanted to do. Life is too short to be angry with yourself for being human”

  • Cause they Look so much Like You
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    “every time you tell your daughter you yell at her out of love you teach her to confuse anger with kindness which seems like a good idea till she grows up to trust men who hurt her cause they look so much like you”
    -Rupi kaur

  • Be Smart Enough To Know When Enough is Enough
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    “Just be smart enough to know when “enough is enough.” You can’t complain about somebody crossing the line if you fail to set the boundaries. You can’t complain about somebody wasting your time when you didn’t require them to earn it. Sometimes you just have to let go. Not everything is meant to be a “forever” kind of thing. You have to be honest with yourself even if it hurts. You can’t give people too many chances to make the same “mistakes.” LEARN from it. GROW out of it. Be DONE with it.”
