It’s Kinda Cool Know Someone Can Just Pop Your Life

It's Kinds Cool Know Someone Can Just Pop Your Life

“It’s kinda cool how someone can just pop into your life all of a sudden and become so important to you within such a small amount of time. I think that’s what makes life so interesting though. There’s always a reason to be hopeful for the future because you never know what good things will come your way next.”

– andletliveagain

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I Knew I Matured When I Realized Every Situation Does Not Need Reaction

I Knew I Matured When I Realized Every Situation Does Not Need Reaction

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The Biggest Lesson I've Learned Is Letting Go Of Toxic Relationships

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No Chasing, No Begging

No Chasing No Begging

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Never Force Friendships

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You Did Enough

You Did Enough

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If The Pain Was Deep

If The Pain Was Deep

If the pain was deep, you will have to let it go many times.

– Yung Pueblo

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