I’m Going To Tell You What A Demon Once Told Me

I’m going to tell you what a demon once told me

I’m going to tell you what a demon once told me:
It is okay to want your own happiness.
It’s okay to care about yourself the most.
It’s okay to do what’s healthy for YOU.
When someone hits you, it’s okay to hit back and
then ask them what the hell they expected.
It’s okay. You are not obligated to sit there and
smile and swallow every drop of poison that they give you.
You are more than furniture, you’re more than window dressing,
you’re not their shiny toy. You’re human, and you have the right
to say ‘that was shitty of you.’ You have a right to say
‘Let me feed that back to you; tell me, how does it taste?’
You have a right to protest your own mistreatment and
set boundaries for respectful interactions. The rest of the world
doesn’t realize you have this right, and they will act offended and
appalled when you exercise it, but it is yours.

– Sonneillon V.

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  1. cherylirvin Avatar

    love these

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Everyone Is Breaking Up And I Fully Support It

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